• Pertaining to, or suitable for, gypsies. Gypsy hat, a womansor

    Gypsy meaning & definition 1 of Gypsy.

  • Fucking scum of the earth (not the traditional gypsies, but the cunts found all over the United Kingdom.)
    I used to lodge in a cottage in a small villiage in Gloucestershire that happened to have a Gypsy colony about 500 meters away. These scumbag bastards stole my landlords motorbike, large stone garden ornament and even a CAST IRON BATH TUB. The cunts also used to order taxis from town and get out at the cottage then skip over the back fence without paying, meaning that taxis would refuse to come out to the cottage to collect me because of the damn fooking gyppoes.
    Biggest [scumbag] [wankers] to walk this earth, and that's a fact.

    Gypsy meaning & definition 2 of Gypsy.

  • anyone on here defending gypsies should try living near some. They break onto your property, steal your shit, start fights with everyone, try to rob you on your fuckin own property,and generally are theiving bastards who should try getting a fuckin job.And yes they are all the same, coz they're all the same genes coz they're inbred. By the way i'm not talking about Romany gypsies coz I don't have anything against them, i'm talking about Irish pikies, the original scum of the earth

    Gypsy meaning & definition 3 of Gypsy.

  • Descendant of the original Indian travellers who arrived in Western Europe after the downfall of the Byzantine empire in the 15th Century. The called themselves the 'Lords of Little Egypt' which contracted to Egyptians, Gyptians and eventually Gypsies or Gyppos. Little Egypt was the name given to the area we now call Turkey.

    Gypsy meaning & definition 4 of Gypsy.

  • Rom nomad. Sometimes considered a derogatory term.

    Gypsy meaning & definition 5 of Gypsy.

  • Travellers.The lowest of the low. Subhuman creatures found everywhere in England but especially in the midlands.
    Homes: Gypsys or gyppos live in disgusting camp-sites with their inbred bretheren. These places are out-of-bounds to anyone who isn't a filthy tramp like themselves.
    Appearnce: Males gypsy filth all wear cheap market checked shirts and tight blue jeans along with slip on leather shoes. Their hair is usually undercut and gelled into a vicious side parting.
    If it is any sort of weather over 2 degrees centigrade they will strip topless to show off their bodies. They have cross-eyed appearances due to their genetic backgrounds: i.e their father is their grandmother.
    Female gypsies are hideous, fat and ugly and always wear more than 100 gold earrings. God help us if they ever strip off.
    Attitude: Male gypsies steal absolutely anything which isn't bolted dwon and start fights with anyone who is considered a rival, theefore anyone more than semi-human.
    Trnasport: Ford Transit Pickup van as a rule so they can fit all the stolen property in the back.

    Gypsy meaning & definition 6 of Gypsy.

  • While normally considered a racial slur, the word gypsy (in the US) refers to a person of Romani heritage. As with all cultures and groups, there are good and bad. They should not all be lumped into one group.
    I have met Rom that have stolen from my store, and I have met many Rom that have been wonderful, paying customers for years. You simply cannot blame an entire race of people for the misdeeds of a few. Are all whites bad? No. All blacks? No.
    The Romani in the US are not ethnically similar to the Chav or Travellers in the UK. At least in the US, the Romani that I have met dress very modestly, and are not bad people. They tend to have strong family values, and they take it very seriously.

    Gypsy meaning & definition 7 of Gypsy.

  • A cult of which the main premise is the art of thieving. The second art is just being a bunch of absolute wankers. They steal dogs for food, they shoot children in the legs and they let their dogs shit on your lawn.

    Gypsy meaning & definition 8 of Gypsy.

  • A person of Romany descent
    Often incorrectly used to describe the wave of thieving Irish

    Gypsy meaning & definition 9 of Gypsy.

  • Noun. pronounced (JIP-SEE)

    A person from Romani descent. An ethnic race with origins from India. They are an often persecuted and hated people among outsiders or gadji (Romani term for non-Romani) due to the immense prejudice and derogatory stereo-types believed by most people.

    2. A person whom chooses to travel, and does not possess permanent residence or stability. This term is often referred to anyone practicing such a lifestyle regardless of ethnicity or background.
    3. Something that is in character, ownership, or pertaining to the Romani. (ie: This is a gypsy dance; my gypsy friend is funny; you have a gypsy sense of style)

    Gypsy meaning & definition 10 of Gypsy.

  • A member of a travelling people traditionally living by itinerant trade and fortune telling. Gypsies speak a language (Romany) that is related to Hindi and are believed to have originated in South Asia.

    Gypsy meaning & definition 11 of Gypsy.

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