• a great Breaking Benjamin song

    Polyamorous meaning & definition 3 of Polyamorous.

  • being in love with more than one person; having multiple loving relationships with all parties in the know and perfectly happy

    Polyamorous meaning & definition 4 of Polyamorous.

  • when you date/ are married to multiple people at a time

    Polyamorous meaning & definition 5 of Polyamorous.

  • A combination of two words: The Greek word poly meaning more than one / many, and the latin word amor meaning love.) Meaning when a person loves more than one person romantically.
    The emphasis is on the word love which differentiates the term from similar types like [open] or [slut] although those types often use the term polyamorous or [poly] to define themselves; usually incorrectly.
    Polyamorous people love the people they sleep with in the same way monogomous couples love each other and are also loyal/faithful to their partners in the same way. Being poly requires open honestly between all involved to fit the accepted definition of polyamory.
    Poly is not purely defined by sex alone. A poly person can love two people dearly while only having sex with one of the people involved. For example: A man with two girlfriends who love each other without jealous feelings and who sleep with him but not each other; all involved are polyamorous.
    Not the same as, but closely related to, being a polygamist which is strictly defined by marriage and not just love. When polyamorous couples get married they are then polygamists.

    Polyamorous meaning & definition 6 of Polyamorous.

  • A supposed natural occurrence where someone can experience romantic love for more than one person. A polyamorous person will suggest that a polyamorous relationship is natural and they will insist on it again and again and again. If you are in love with someone who is polyamorous, it is very likely they will be unable to control the natural urges. They will either cheat on you or mope when you say that you want to be in a good, monogamous relationship. If you find out someone is polyamorous, I would suggest not dating them or even being friends with them.

    Polyamorous meaning & definition 7 of Polyamorous.

  • When you want to fuck multiple people at the same time, but youre also a special snowflake.

    Polyamorous meaning & definition 8 of Polyamorous.

  • In a word, Highschool.
    A polyamorouss lifestyle and a highschoolers lifestyle hold uncanny parallels. In both lifestyles individuals have multiple relationships going on at one time, both sexaul and romantic. And everyone involved is relatively ok with.

    Polyamorous meaning & definition 9 of Polyamorous.

  • A term often used by sluts who are in denial of their promiscuity.

    Polyamorous meaning & definition 10 of Polyamorous.

  • the practice of having sexual or romantic relationships with two or more people at the same time, or relating to this practice:

    Polyamorous meaning & definition 11 of Polyamorous.

  • Characterized by or involved in the practice of engaging in multiple romantic (and typically sexual) relationships, with the consent of all the people involved.

    Polyamorous meaning & definition 12 of Polyamorous.

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