• A kind of stand, or piece of furniture, having shelves forbooks, ornaments, etc.; an étagère.

    Whatnot meaning & definition 1 of Whatnot.

  • used to not give the names of everything

    Whatnot meaning & definition 2 of Whatnot.

  • The moron's punctuation. Most frequently used by morons to end a sentence.

    Whatnot meaning & definition 3 of Whatnot.

  • The details you forget to name, when naming other specifics.

    Whatnot meaning & definition 4 of Whatnot.

  • Is to use to summarize your last words, sentence and or paragraph.

    Whatnot meaning & definition 5 of Whatnot.

  • A social crutch trash and people who managed to go through 12 years of English classes and still not figure out the language use.

    Whatnot meaning & definition 6 of Whatnot.

  • A word used to [portray] a false intelligence, used by and idiot in place of [What have you] or [Etcetera]

    Whatnot meaning & definition 7 of Whatnot.

  • An amazing and awesome [maneuver] that defies any kind of [reasonable] description. Something that somebody does that is just to hard to describe, but its pretty [astonishing].

    Whatnot meaning & definition 8 of Whatnot.

  • a [term] used for [anything] [secretive]

    Whatnot meaning & definition 9 of Whatnot.

  • Used to refer to an item or items that are not identified but are felt to have something in common with items already named.

    Whatnot meaning & definition 10 of Whatnot.

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