• Seizures are a periodic disturbance of the brain’s electrical activity, resulting in some degree of temporary brain dysfunction.

    When older infants or young children have seizures, they often have typical symptoms, such as shaking or jerking of part or all of the body, but newborns may only smack their lips, chew involuntarily, or periodically go limp.
    Electroencephalography (EEG) is used to diagnose the disorder, and blood and urine tests, brain imaging, and sometimes a spinal tap are done to try to identify the cause.
    When a child has a convulsion, parents or other caregivers should try to protect the child from harm—for example, by keeping the child away from stairs, sharp objects, and other potential hazards.
    Treatment is focused mainly on the cause, but if seizures continue after the cause is treated, children are given antiseizure drugs.

    Seizures are an abnormal, unregulated electrical discharge of nerve cells in the brain or part of the brain. This abnormal discharge can cause

    Involuntary movements
    Altered awareness
    Abnormal sensations

    Convulsions are violent, involuntary, jerking and/or stiffening of muscles in a large part of the body.
    Epilepsy is not a specific disorder but refers to a tendency to have recurring seizures that may or may not have an identifiable cause.
    Seizures in children are often similar to seizures in adults. However, some types of seizures, such as febrile seizures and infantile spasms, occur only in children.
    Certain conditions in children, such as breath-holding spells and night terrors, may resemble seizures but do not involve abnormal electrical activity in the brain and thus are not seizures.

    Seizures in children meaning & definition 1 of Seizures in children.

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