1. He never got married.
    2. He never held a steady job.
    3. His last request was a drink.


    1. His first name was Jesus.
    2. He was always in trouble with the law.
    3. His mother didn't know who his father was.


    1. He talked with his hands.
    2. He had wine with every meal.
    3. He worked in the building trades.


    1. He called everybody brother.
    2. He had no permanent address.
    3. Nobody would hire him.


    1. He never cut his hair.
    2. He walked around barefoot.
    3. He invented a new religion.


    1. He went into his father's business.
    2. He lived at home until the age of 33.
    3. He was sure his mother was a virgin, and his mother was sure He was God.

    Jesus meaning & definition 8 of Jesus.

  • My mexican gardener, he does a great job

    Jesus meaning & definition 9 of Jesus.

  • A good answer for pretty much anything.

    Jesus meaning & definition 10 of Jesus.

  • Saying Jesus [backwards] [sounds] like [Sausage] try it.

    Jesus meaning & definition 11 of Jesus.

  • Jesus is a common male name for [Hispanics]. Jesus is [the guy] that will take [your girl].

    Jesus meaning & definition 12 of Jesus.

  • A Hispanic guys name usually. A smart, funny, handsome guy. His personality is like no one [elses] he makes [a great boyfriend]. Although some people may find him rude because he could be an ass hole. He loves for his girl friend so much and doesnt take her [for granted]. Treat him wrong and he would basically end you. Anyone would be lucky to have Jesus as a boyfriend, or best friend.

    Jesus meaning & definition 13 of Jesus.

  • A Mexican male name of both Hebrew and Spanish origin. Pronounced [hey-zeus].
    Jesus are often times shy, [guarded], and like to keep to themselves. However, when they find motivation to do something, they are the least shy people of all. Once comfortable with someone, although still guarded, they will open up a bit more.
    They are known for their masculine looks and [exasperated] sighs. They are characterized by [strong arm] and bicep muscles which many find useful when pulling a woman in for a kiss. The skin of [a Jesus] is constantly warm to the touch unless they are outside for long periods of time in inappropriate clothing, such as at a [high school football game] in the end of October in a light jacket.
    When they have a bad feeling about something, some may stay up throughout the night until they [get bad] new, like a phone call from a crying friend.
    When a Jesus finds a girl, always a beauty in their eyes, there will either be terrible heartbreak or wondrous love. He will one day find a girl that adores his smiles and will get lost in his eyes. When they embrace, shell wonder what has taken her so long to find this person. Both will realize just how much they love each other and how much they both want to spend the rest of their lives together.
    When they no longer hold back, they become a great listener, a caring best friend, and a tender lover. Anyone who gets to know them for who they really are will either fall in love with them, or wish that they had him as a best friend.

    Jesus meaning & definition 14 of Jesus.

  • A super sweet guy on the inside, he tries to act tough though. Jesus is usually a Hispanic name, he has a [deep voice] dark [wavy hair], light skin, and HUGE brown eyes. He’s afraid of rejection and tries to not hurt anyone’s feelings, he also thinks he’s ugly when in reality he’s adorable!!! BUT [Jesus can] also be sexy, he’s not very innocent

    Jesus meaning & definition 15 of Jesus.

  • The central figure of the Christian religion. Jesus conducted a mission of preaching and healing (with reported miracles) in Palestine in about AD 28–30, which is described in the Gospels. His followers considered him to be the Christ or Messiah and the Son of God, and belief in his resurrection from the dead is the central tenet of Christianity.

    Jesus meaning & definition 16 of Jesus.

  • the church to which Mormons belong

    Jesus meaning & definition 17 of Jesus.

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