• Not credible; surpassing belief; too extraordinary andimprobable to admit of belief; unlikely; marvelous; fabulous.Why should it be thought a thing incredible with you, that God shouldraise the dead Acts xxvi. 8.

    Incredible meaning & definition 1 of Incredible.

  • mindboggling, so good it's hard to believe, wow, awesome

    Incredible meaning & definition 2 of Incredible.

  • a.k.a. Jon

    Incredible meaning & definition 3 of Incredible.

  • something or someone that leaves you speechless and takes your breath away

    Incredible meaning & definition 4 of Incredible.

  • she is [very good] and [very special] and [specific] about some type of things

    Incredible meaning & definition 5 of Incredible.

  • Impossible to believe.

    Incredible meaning & definition 6 of Incredible.

  • [The definition] of [Deckerstar].

    Incredible meaning & definition 7 of Incredible.

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