• A criminal-accomplice whose job is to watch out for incoming policemen while his friends commit a crime (usually drug dealing, burglaries, safeguarding supply houses, etc). Spotters are basically human alarm systems that criminals use to warn them when the cops come near. They usually stand on a corner to get a better [vantage point] and to give their friends [plenty of time] to run away, flush the drugs, etc. The warning is usually a shouted code, but can sometimes also be visual; modern criminals now use cell phones. Often times, spotters are juveniles who cant be effectively punished by law for [aiding] in a felony.

    Spotter meaning & definition 1 of Spotter.

  • An aviator or aircraft employed in locating or observing enemy positions.

    Spotter meaning & definition 2 of Spotter.

  • A military term for some one who sits and waits (usually fairly concealed) for something notable to come along and then informs the rest of his group.
    A spotter also spots targets for a [gunner] (for instance on [artillery]) they will give distance and position information to the gunner so targets can be [neutralized] quicker.

    Spotter meaning & definition 3 of Spotter.

  • Someone who holds onto your testicles, one [at a time], as you [alternate] the direction to which you turn your head then [cough].

    Spotter meaning & definition 4 of Spotter.

  • A [pee spot] on your shorts/jeans that shows through after you [whizz], because you didnt [tap] your monkey well enough.

    Spotter meaning & definition 5 of Spotter.

  • Similar to a spotter in weight lifting, in masturbation, when a man needs somebody to [lend a hand], add lube or lotion during the act, click a mouse for him, turn a page, make sure you [dont die] while choking yourself, etc, this person is known as the spotter. You may also find a spotter helpful when having sex with a fat person. In this instance the spotter will offer encouragement, move any necessary [appendage], etc.

    Spotter meaning & definition 6 of Spotter.

  • A term used by [skateboarders]. Someone who watches the street for cars while a skater does a [trick that] ends in the street. Particularly common when [bombing hills].

    Spotter meaning & definition 7 of Spotter.

  • A person who acts with life saving measures to save someone from [Auto] [Erotic] Death. The guy who cuts [the other guy] down just before he dies.

    Spotter meaning & definition 8 of Spotter.

  • Spotter: a lazy person (in need of something important out of arms reach) that asks the first person they spot that gets up or walks by the object to [bring it] too them because they are too lazy to [get off] their ass and do it themselves.

    spotters are typically [stoners] and/or really lazy people

    Spotter meaning & definition 9 of Spotter.

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