• Any of a group of organic compounds which are essential for normal growth and nutrition and are required in small quantities in the diet because they cannot be synthesized by the body.

    Vitamin meaning & definition 1 of Vitamin.

  • A chemical that make you feel better. Different vitamins have different effects. Everybody need them to be happy and sometimes, productive, individuals.
    vitamin C : A lot of americans get plenty of this vitamin thanks to the popularity of the delicious brew. Also named: caffeine, [trimethylxanthine]. If coffee is not enough you can have lot of them from No-Doz. Everybody know its effects and importance so im not gonna explain it all.
    [Vitamin A] (amphet) : Believe by many to be a stronger version of [vit].C. Of course NOT! Important to be motivated, euphoric, energetic and not suffer from sleep. Exist in different potency.
    Chemical scientific name: All amphetamine analogs especially methamphetamine. Some weaker or less useful substitutes are methylphenidate, [methcathinone], etc.
    Rich people buy the [rich mans] amphetamine known as coke.
    [vitamin O] (opioids): Make you feel relaxed, happy and content about everything. The brain doesnt make enough of its natural vitamin O (endorphins). Thats why you need supplements. It is not actually a chemical but a group of chemical. Some of them are more concentrated.
    (from weak to strong): Codeine ([tylenol 3s]), [DHC], hydrocodone (vics), oxycodone (percs), methadone, morphine (MS [contin]), heroin (smack), fentanyl (China White).
    [vitamin K]: Also known as horse tranquilizer it is also very healthy for humans. When the body is saturated of this vitamin, one enter what is known as the K hole. If you cant afford or find this rare vitamin you can try DXM or PCP. Both are less good, but whatever.
    [vitamin B] : The only vitamin you can find in pretty much any store, and for cheap.
    cheap vitamin-rich liquids: MD20/20, [Night Train Express], Thunderbird, Wild Irish Rose, Cisco, Buckfast.
    A high-technology replacement is GHB it is engineered to have better effects and be non-damaging (its true i swear!). Unfortunately its hard to find.
    [vitamin T] : Very important to open your mind. Beware of adverse reactions known as bad trips.
    Scientific name: Tryptamines
    Substances: mainly acid, [shroomz] and DMT. But there are a lot of other different sub-vitamins.
    [vitamin M] : Dude, its like... woah... The essential... And YOU TOO can make it at home!
    Note: the active constituant is THC.
    [vitamin N] : Conveniently sold at cig-stores. Good news: you can help people get their dose of vit.N by smoking in crowded place, it is known as the 2nd hand smoke effect.
    datura or dramamine at high dose, people think they are vitamins and takeem... But theyre not!!! NOT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION!!!

    Of course you must balance your intake. People going on megavitamin treatments are known as special names(1) most of them are harmful except vit.M. for example.
    The people suffering from a total lack of vitamins are known as straight edge or sXe. You should help them to ingest healthy vitamins.
    Straight edgism should be eradicated from this planet, if the words dont work then use the gun (or any weapon)!
    Remember. Vitamins = Heaven !
    Eating isnt the only way to get vitamins. Use paraphernalia(2)!

    Vitamin meaning & definition 2 of Vitamin.

  • [According] to [el chapo], anyone that you [have sex] with that gives you life.

    Vitamin meaning & definition 3 of Vitamin.

  • An essential element that your body needs to function properly. Most [vitamins] come from [nutritious] food, although [vitamin D] is produced when your skin is exposed to sunlight.

    Vitamin meaning & definition 4 of Vitamin.

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