• Pertaining to, or characterized by, great fear, or funking.[Colloq. Eng.]

    Funky meaning & definition 1 of Funky.

    1. different but cool/nice
    2. a bad smell

    Funky meaning & definition 2 of Funky.

    1. Something thats cool or admirable (this usage has fallen out of popularity)
    2. A bad smell, normally an odor of pubic must

    Funky meaning & definition 3 of Funky.

  • Unconventionally modern and stylish.

    Funky meaning & definition 4 of Funky.

  • I would like to define funky fashion. Funky fasion is not people who follow the trends, but may use the trends to their advantage in a certain outfit. People who are funky do not define themselves by the store that they shop in nor do the discriminate against any certain store. Funky fashion is not limited to just Lisa Turtle, or Screech but could be a mixture of the entire Saved by the Bell cast. Funky can be a mixture of thrift store and name brand, lacy and leather, a simple gold bracelet and a huge plastic pink one, matching or unmatching, a ton of jewlry or none, classy and trashy. Being funky is about taking risks, and not being afraid to get a stare or two from people who wish they could be as funky as you. Funky is about color or a lack thereof, but funky is never about boring.

    Funky meaning & definition 5 of Funky.

  • Second most complex word in the urban language, see [shit].
    Means BOTH exceptionally good and extremely bad.

    Funky meaning & definition 6 of Funky.

  • a nice fashion style that is differend, cool, strange, weird. tight clothes

    Funky meaning & definition 7 of Funky.

  • adj. One definition is missing. Funky can also mean to be in a foul mood. To have your lip poked out and be anti-social and bitter. It means to be nasty to another person and treat them poorly.

    Funky meaning & definition 8 of Funky.

  • having a distinctive earthy or folksy quality.
    non-sterilized or gentrified, usually positive connation.
    having a bad smell and/or exceptionally negative qualities.

    Funky meaning & definition 9 of Funky.

  • Music that has a particular feel or groove.
    Earl [King] recently told me I was the first guy he ever heard use the term funky about music...
    Think about Foley, how funky and dirty he stinks and smells. Think about playing the music just like that.
    -Earl Palmer, Backbeat: Earl Palmers Story

    Funky meaning & definition 10 of Funky.

  • used to describe a style of music, usually for dancing to, with a strong rhythm based on jazz and a tune that repeats:

    Funky meaning & definition 11 of Funky.

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