• A genus of small glassy heteropod mollusks found swimming atthe surface in mid ocean. See Heteropod.

    Atlanta meaning & definition 1 of Atlanta.

  • A city with lots of rich people in the north end, and lots of ghetto types in the south end. Also lots of traffic, new economy jobs, and Coca-cola.

    Atlanta meaning & definition 2 of Atlanta.

  • Atlanta is a small city. When most people referance Atlanta they mean to referance metro Atlanta which would include the suburbs. Only 400,000 people live within Atlanta city limits while 4 million people live in the suburbs. So, as you might expect, living in the burbs is not a status symbol in Atlanta because just about everyone does. Atlanta is the capital of the south as the cultural, business, and spiritual center hub. Here is a breakdown of Atlanta and her suburbs:
    Buckhead(Uptown): This is the wealthiest community of the metro area. Most of the people that hail from Buckhead grew up in million dollar mansions and went to an elite Buckhead private school. Its

    Atlanta meaning & definition 3 of Atlanta.

  • the urban sprawl capital of the world

    Atlanta meaning & definition 4 of Atlanta.

  • The most liberal progressive city in the South. The seat of Black economic, cultural and political power in America. Also the birthplace of crunk music/hip hop (Lil' Jon, Usher, Yin Yang Twins, Ludacris, T.I., Bonecrusher, Outkast, Goodie Mob, etc.) Also tied with Miami for the hottest nightclubs and girls in the South. Interracial dating haven. Kinky sex mecca for conventioners.
    Beautiful skyline. Almost total population migrated from somewhere else.

    Atlanta meaning & definition 5 of Atlanta.

  • -The Capitol of Georgia
    -Home of Coca Cola, the 1996 Olympics, a shitload of traffic and Hartsfield Airport
    -Where Georgia's McMansion-suburbanites claim to live
    -The only place in the world where on December 23rd one can ice skate outdoors and then go play in the fountain at Centennial Park

    Atlanta meaning & definition 6 of Atlanta.

  • Without a doubt The Crunkest City, the Most Chill City, the Most Awesome City, my home, I love it and everyone in it and everything about it. No other definitions even come close to the true definition of the A, a place like no other and anyone who has ever lived there knows exactly what i'm talking about. Smoke One!

    Atlanta meaning & definition 7 of Atlanta.

  • One of the most underrated cities in the U.S. Every City likes to claim they are unique, but we are the only ones that I feel, are truly unique. Before all the yuppie transplant outsiders came in, we were a cross between a small town and a big city, which was awesome. However, when the 96' olympics came, we started to sell out and lose a bit of that charm we are known for. Unlike all other major cities in the u.s. we are the only city that is actually equally spread out as far as things to see and do. Our whole culture does not reside in or rely on our downtown area, but rather multiple area that are linked to the down town area. There is something for everyone here. As well as throughout the state of Georgia, unlike most states, we don't need a lone city to make our state looks appealing and great.

    Little Five Points a quirky part of town where hippies and goths and all things ecentic reside
    Virgina highlands a place where rich suburbanites hang
    midtown/buckhead, great shops and pubs, a place where anybody who's anybody frequent.
    Downtown, mianly a business area, so not a lot of cultural things down here, but where a lot of rich history resides (if they aren't selling out and tearing them down in the name of tourism), MLK Center, Margret Mitchell house, wooddruff arts/ the high, the fox, cenntenial olympic park, grant park, the cylorama,Georgia Aquarium, CNN building as well as a host of eating places, both affordable and expensive to taste.

    We also have one of the world's biggest, busiest and best airports in the world
    Although I don't like the direction Atlanta is turning in now, I liked it better when only natives were living here, I still love Atlanta and my heart is here. You'll NEVER get bored here because there's something to see or do at every corner. I take pride in the eccentic people to come out of this beautiful city, because they represent just out eccentric our little city is and how different we really are (or atleast were) from every other city in the u.s. You have to have lived here for a number of years to understand our charm. Those who don't are just jealous and have an inferiority complex about their own birth place, that they have to knock Atlanta down in order to elevate the status of their own city.
    Anyone who says that you get shot in college park, is obviously not from Atlanta and is either white or lame, or both. It's college park, good grief, not oakland, ca!! Y'all must come straight out of hicksville if you think college park is dangerous.
    Oh and by the way, while all y'all hatin on A-town, please believe there must be something special about this place for everybody to keep coming here to live.... I mean really you can get an affordable lifestyle anywhere besides Atlanta, but you know this is where it's at, so don't hate.

    Atlanta meaning & definition 8 of Atlanta.

  • Home of the downlow

    Atlanta meaning & definition 9 of Atlanta.

  • The largest city in the [South] and is the capital of [Georgia]. Nicknamed, ATL, A-town, Hotlanta, and the A. Known for [Coca-Cola], Cnn, a huge airport, and [Crunk] music.

    Atlanta meaning & definition 10 of Atlanta.

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