• To reproduce sexually as do some bacteria and algae, by exchanging or transferring DNA.

    Conjugate meaning & definition 15 of Conjugate.

  • In mathematics, a conjugate typically refers to a pair of mathematical expressions or quantities that are connected by a specific mathematical operation yet have opposite components. The term conjugate can have different meanings depending on the domain of math:

    1. In complex numbers, the conjugate of a complex number is the number with an equal real part and an imaginary part equal in magnitude but opposite in sign.

    2. In algebra, the conjugate of a binomial expression (a b) is its corresponding binomial formed by negating the second term (a - b) or vice versa.

    3. In abstract algebra, conjugate elements in a group are elements related through a similarity transformation.

    4. In geometry, conjugate diameters of an ellipse or hyperbola are any two diameters such that a tangent line to the curve at the endpoint of one diameter is parallel to the other diameter, and vice versa.

    The broader meaning for conjugate includes the idea of forming a complementary or related pair in a particular mathematical situation.

    Conjugate meaning & definition 16 of Conjugate.

  • united in pairs; yoked together; coupled

    Conjugate meaning & definition 17 of Conjugate.

  • in single pairs; coupled

    Conjugate meaning & definition 18 of Conjugate.

  • containing two or more radicals supposed to act the part of a single one

    Conjugate meaning & definition 19 of Conjugate.

  • agreeing in derivation and radical signification; -- said of words

    Conjugate meaning & definition 20 of Conjugate.

  • presenting themselves simultaneously and having reciprocal properties; -- frequently used in pure and applied mathematics with reference to two quantities, points, lines, axes, curves, etc

    Conjugate meaning & definition 21 of Conjugate.

  • to unite in marriage; to join

    Conjugate meaning & definition 22 of Conjugate.

  • to unite in a kind of sexual union, as two or more cells or individuals among the more simple plants and animals

    Conjugate meaning & definition 23 of Conjugate.

  • kon′joo-gāt, v.t. (gram.) to give the various inflections or parts of a verb.—adj. joined: connected.—n. a word agreeing in derivation with another word.—adjs. Con′jugated, Conjugā′tional, Con′jugative, conjugate.—ns. Con′jugateness; Con′jugating; Conjugā′tion, the act of joining: union: (gram.) a term applied to a connected view or statement of the inflectional changes of form that a verb undergoes in its various relations: a class of verbs inflected in the same manner.—Conjugate axes, two axes in a conic section, such that each is parallel to the tangent at the extremity of the other; Conjugate foci (see Focus); Conjugate mirrors, two mirrors set face to face so that the rays emitted from the focus of one are first reflected from it to the and thence to its focus; Conjugation of cells, a mode of reproduction in which two apparently similar cells unite, as in Amœba, Diatoms, c. [L. conjugāre, -ātum—con, together, and jugāre—jugum, a yoke.]

    Conjugate meaning & definition 24 of Conjugate.

  • to bring together in pairs: consisting of a single pair. Conjugation: the union of pairs; usually applied to the merging of the male and female elements.

    Conjugate meaning & definition 25 of Conjugate.

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