• Zionism the movement for the rights of the Jewish People to return to their homeland, an eternal desire that has been at the core of Judaism since the expulsion of the Jewish People from Israel by the Romans around the time of Jesus and well before Islam was even thought of.
    This movement had in the post WW1 international stage backers amongst the nations that were redrawing the maps of the world - hence the Balfour Declaration was written and signed by the British. In this period or map-drawing there was a fundamental belief in the right of self determination - the right of all peoples to rule themselves. Look at a map Israel is TINY.
    It is ironic that only the desire of the Jews to have a State to call their own should be compared to Nazism - how many Muslim countries are there - does this mean that all Muslims are Nazis? Judaism is a religion and not a race and therefore blatantly cannot be compared to Nazism, there are jews of every color and creed.
    Many arabs are fanatically against Israel and the State of Israel is a thorn in the side of the Muslim ideal of taking over the world.
    There are arabs however who sided with the Jewish State and still do to this day. One example of this is the town of Abu Gosh an arab muslim town that is pro-Israel, to say nothing of the christian arabs.
    Israel has extended its hand in peace many times often to be met with blatant aggression and a strange blood lust on the part of the anti-Zionist aggressors.

    Zionism meaning & definition 1 of Zionism.

  • A race [supremacist], settler-colonial political ideology that hijacks both judaism and Christianity; responsible for [apartheid], [ethnic cleansing], sadistic [militarism] and moral hypocrisy in Israel.
    Founded by [atheistic] jews in 1897, an ideology supported by the antisemitic British government of the early 1900s who wanted to push European jews out of the UK and Europe and send them to the middle east. Of course many European jews were against being sent to the middle east and saw zionism as an antisemitic movement.
    After Israel won the 6 day war in 1967, many European jews realised there was a good chance of having their own state, zionism became indoctrinated into their mentality and today it is entwined with Israeli-jewish nationalism.
    Still to this day there are many anti-zionist jews who see Europe as their home land, not the middle east and the support for zionism among todays younger jews is declining along with an increasing number of jews leaving Israel, unhappy with the occupation, genocide and apartheid of the indigenous population (Palestinians).
    There is actually more [Christian zionists], many who are antisemitic and believe when the messiah returns to Israel he will wipe out the worlds population along with two-thirds of the jewish population in Israel during the Armageddon. The remaining jews in Israel will have to convert to Christianity if they want to go to heaven during the rapture; jews that dont convert to Christianity will instead go to hell.

    Zionism meaning & definition 2 of Zionism.

  • For around 300 years, [Zionism] was a Christian Protestant idea that the majority of Jewish leaders, especially rabbis opposed. Once European Jews are returned to the [Holy Land] they would have to convert to Christianity.
    In 1897, Max Nordau and [Theodor] [Herzl] formed the World [Zionist] Organisation to advance some of these ideas for an exclusively Jewish state. They considered Uganda, Argentina, parts of North America and eventually settled on Palestine due to biblical connections.
    A huge coalition of Jews, religious and secular, liberal and radical, socialist and communist, all opposed the Zionist project, seeing it as antisemitic

    Zionism meaning & definition 3 of Zionism.

  • An extremely racist belief that Jews deserve to take over the [Palestinians] land with the backing of the U.S. military. Zionists use the history of persecution against Jews to rationalize this blatant breach of human rights, and then Israelis go on to murder thousands of [Palestinians] each year with the [pretext] that they have been attacked by terrorists. While it is true that some Palestinians attack Israelis, there are at least 4 fold more Palestinian than Israeli deaths each year.

    Zionism meaning & definition 4 of Zionism.

  • Jewish equivalent of Nazism. A racist philosophy that believes only the [Jewish race] should inhabit the Holy Land and that all other races there - namely Arabs - should be killed or exiled. [Zionism] spawned terrorist states like Israel, responsible for the deaths of thousands of [Palestinians] every year.

    Zionism meaning & definition 5 of Zionism.

  • The dictionary defines [Zionism] as Jewish Nationalism. The dictionary defines Nazism as a form of Race-based Nationalism. The fact of the matter is that the British subjugated the Palestinian people, basically kicked them out of their homes, gave up the land to the Israelis and expected everything to be happy. Believe it or not, the [Palestinians] simply dont like being replaced like that. Moreover, they didnt take too kindly to the overt Israeli suppression and violence against them beginning in 1949 with the Irgun Gang and all of that. In the late 1960s, the violence really [crested] with the Arab-Israeli War over what was essentially [Israeli apartheid] against the Palestinians. The end of that war led to [Yassir Arafat], who, in 1971, made a historic speech to the UN [General Assembly], thusly thrusting Palestinian plight onto the international stage for the first time ever really. Throughout the 1970s both sides trade atrocities, although Israels violence is state violence, backed by the U.S., that is aimed directly at suppressing the Palestinian people, civilian, terrorist, or whatever. Then there was that whole episode in Lebanon in the 1980s, the 1982 Israeli massacre of roughly 3 thousand Palestinian refugees at Shatila and [Sabra] - presided over by then-Israeli General [Ariel Sharon]. In the early 1990s, things are looking pretty good with Oslo and the Peace Accords... [Arafat] and then-Israeli PM Yitzkah Rabin winning the Nobel Peace Prize, things seemed good. Then, in 1996, Israeli extremist assassinated Yitzkah Rabin, halting the peace process. Israeli forces killed a top bombmaker for [Shiek] Ahmed [Yassins] [Hamas], and Hamas retaliated with multiple bus bombs. I obviously dont condone this, but the fact is that the Israeli Government made it possible by doing two things: 1) By oppressing the Palestinians in the first place, creating a sense of loathing and 2) By keeping the P.L.O. in such a state of disrepair that they hadnt the power to keep Hamas under control. Then in 2000 there was the last long-shot at making things work with a dual-state. Arafat held out for more land and didnt get it. The Second [Intifada] began when Sharon visited a controversial Temple. In that Intifada, roughly 3 times more Palestinians have died than Israelis. More than 20,000 Palestinian homes have been [razed]. Israel has continued to build illegal settlements in Palestinian territory, further displacing the Palestinians. Note that the Palestinians are virtually cut off from all sources of fresh water. Consider the [martial law] that has been implemented in Palestinian territories in the last 5 years. The checkpoints. After wittnessing the way the state ran, South African Archbishop, Nobel Peace Prize [Laureate], and champion of the anti-Apartheid campaign in South Africa Desmond Tutu said that Israel reminded him of the South African apartheid. Nelson Mandela said the same. Heres another great fun fact: the Israeli government was the largest arms trader with South Africa during the apartheid.

    Zionism meaning & definition 6 of Zionism.

  • A phenomenon (frame) that views Christianity as a [subset] of [Judaism] (in deterministic time).
    In contrast to meta-Zionism which views Christianity as a subset of [Hinduism] and Judaism as a subset of Christianity (in emergentistic time).

    Zionism meaning & definition 7 of Zionism.

  • The mainly European political movement started by Austrian journalist [Theodor] [Herzl] (1860-1904) who concluded that the only way to end Jewish suffering was to create a home in Palestine (then with a population of about 500,000).
    Lasting from the first Zionist congress in the Swiss city of [Basle] in [1879] to 1948 with the official creation of the state of Israel.
    After covering the [Dreyfus] affair and witnessing anti-Semitism in France he wrote Der Judenstaat (The Jewish State) and then Altneuland (The Old New Land). They outline his philosophy and reasoning behind wanting to create a national home for the Jews. Both of these texts are free to download online.

    Zionism meaning & definition 8 of Zionism.

  • A completely legitimate independence movement, in which a historically oppressed nation of people (the Jews) demanded the right to self-determination in their eternal [homeland] of Eretz [Yisrael] (the Land of Israel). It is no less legitimate than the Tibetan or American independence movements. In fact, I would argue that modern Israel has more of a right to be under Jewish [sovereignty], than California or Texas has to be under American sovereignty.

    Zionism meaning & definition 9 of Zionism.

  • A movement for (originally) the re-establishment and (now) the development and protection of a Jewish nation in what is now Israel. It was established as a political organization in 1897 under Theodor Herzl, and was later led by Chaim Weizmann.

    Zionism meaning & definition 10 of Zionism.

  • a political movement that had as its original aim the creation of a country for Jewish people, and that now supports the state of Israel

    Zionism meaning & definition 11 of Zionism.

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