• A person who lacks class. Trashy people exist among all races and socioeconomic levels. Trashy people lack meaningful goals and purpose in life. They are not very concerned with academic subjects, worldly matters, nor culture, but are more amused with unimportant matters and simple activities such as celebrity gossip, shopping for useless merchandise (like cigarettes), and excessive partying into late hours. Other than spending money, trashy people contribute little or nothing to society, which is why they are associated with trash. Due to low self-esteem and insecurity, trashy people inhale a lot of filth from cigarettes, attempt to overcompensate and try

    Trashy meaning & definition 2 of Trashy.

  • Trashy people are characterized by a hollow arrogance born out of insecurity and stupidity. Because deep down they know they are trashy they overcompensate in the following ways:

    Trashy women think their bodies are much better than they really are and display a lot of skin, usually muffin top / fupa. They also wear gaudy skimpy clothes, usually too tight to draw attention to themselves. Tattoos can also be part of this.

    At work they think they should be running the place after 3 days on the job and in spite of being complete fuckups.

    Trashy people people are loud, boastful and have foul mouths in an effort to draw attention to themselves and sound tough.

    Trashy people are selfish and not team players. Their only goal is to satisfy their needs and they think nothing of taking advantage of others to get what they want. They think this is the American

    Trashy meaning & definition 3 of Trashy.

  • somebody that gets drunk EVERY weekend. somebody that has no life. somebody that smokes cigarettes. somebody that has a nose ring. somebody that drinks keystone. somebody that doesnt own a polo. somebody that tries to be something there not. somebody that uses profane language in public. somebody that isn't classy.

    Trashy meaning & definition 4 of Trashy.

  • Having no class or morals.

    Trashy meaning & definition 5 of Trashy.

  • Someone who portrays themself in a very [unclassy] way. Mainly describes females who [dye] their hair [bleach blonde] and wear tons of makeup and small clothing.

    Trashy meaning & definition 6 of Trashy.

  • A combination of [the names] [Tracy] and Ashley. Both Tracy and Ashley must be [marginally] slutty to go as Trashy.

    Trashy meaning & definition 7 of Trashy.

  • Little class, foul mouthed,folk.

    There are two types of trash.

    1. [Trailor Trash]

    2. [Rich Trash]

    ...bottom line is ANYONE can be trashy. Someone can be [rich as hell] and still be a piece of trash, or poor and be classy. Its all how you handle yourself.

    Trashy meaning & definition 8 of Trashy.

  • What [99.9]% of all Urban Dictionary definitions are (unlike the .[91]% that are actually funny, [clever] and/or descriptive.)

    Trashy meaning & definition 9 of Trashy.

  • of the nature of trash; [inferior] in quality; [rubbish]; useless or [worthless].

    Trashy meaning & definition 10 of Trashy.

  • Cheap, [worthless] [losers]

    Opposite: [classy]

    Trashy meaning & definition 11 of Trashy.

  • (especially of items of popular culture) of poor quality.

    Trashy meaning & definition 12 of Trashy.

  • very [low] and [disgusting]

    Trashy meaning & definition 13 of Trashy.

  • of low quality; with little or no value:

    Trashy meaning & definition 14 of Trashy.

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