• A marine European fish (Crenilabrus melops); also, the relatedAmerican cunner. See Cunner.

    Conner meaning & definition 1 of Conner.

  • Badass; Being Magnificent; Certified Gangsta

    Conner meaning & definition 2 of Conner.

  • Funny, tall, nice, and loving. Will give you a nickname the day you meet him. At first you think he's a creeper, but once you get to know him you'll fall in love:].Great hair. Beautiful underneath his cover. Very sarcastic. Has the stupidest best friend in the world. Conner and his best friend are like true brothers. Loves to hold your hand, and hug you. Loves texting you, and constantly tells says i love you. If he wants to know something, he'll make you tell him, so dont tell him how you feel and not explain it, because he will either guess whats on your mind, or make you tell him. All of his friends are man sluts, but all his female friends are sweet. He knows what to look for in a girl. He makes you feel special,and loved. Although he swears a lot, its understandable. Likes heavy music. He has a hard life, and his family is all mixed up. He often gets depressed. Isnt perverted. Conner is truley amazing and would make a perfect best friend or boyfriend. If you have a Conner in your life, you should consider yourself lucky!

    Conner meaning & definition 3 of Conner.

  • The most fucking glorious and ridiculously AWESOME person you could possibly meet. When you come accross a Conner you usually shit, piss and cum in your pants from pure excitement, its like having an orgasm thoughout your entire body, the feeling is AMAZING!!

    Conner meaning & definition 4 of Conner.

  • An amazing boyfriend who will do anything for you, even if youre

    Conner meaning & definition 5 of Conner.

  • Conner is a pretty amazing dude. He's seems like a quiet nerd, but if you take the time to get to know him, you'll find he's super complex. His sarcasm and humor will always keep you laughing, and he's always by your side when something bad happens and you need a friend. He might be one of the cockiest guys around, but he works his ass off to (usually) so cut him a little slack. He's gonna be a doctor and wants to go into the military, but no matter what he does, he'll most likely be very successful because he is dedicated, smart, and efficient.

    Conner will always keep you on your toes and keep you guessing. Even though he's almost always straight up with you (and expects the same back), he makes you constantly wonder what he's thinking while continually nailing what you are thinking and feeling constantly. He goes back and forth from being the funniest, nicest person to being a grumpy old man. It'll drive you crazy, but it'll also make you want to keep coming back.

    Conner is also usually an attractive guy. He's the right amount of tall and muscle and what not so if he wanted to he could prolly be a playa-playa. If you date a Conner, make sure that you let him wear the pants sometimes because he likes feelin like the

    Conner meaning & definition 6 of Conner.

  • has the ability to take someone by the nipples and flip them over their shoulder

    Conner meaning & definition 7 of Conner.

  • a CHRISTIAN very sweet

    Conner meaning & definition 8 of Conner.

  • Usually a really amazing nice guy. He will probably seem awkward at first, but he's not that bad. He is just the right amount of smart and athletic. A Conner will usually be extremely talented, and all the girls love him, but really humble and never a show-off. He is not perverted and respects girls. He can be really serious and quiet, and really fun and crazy. He will usually have a subtle but hilarious sense of humor. He has the most beautiful smile and it will most likely make your insides melt. Conners are usually so amazing, there is no words to describe them! The word Conner can also be used to describe something or someone so great it's too amazing to put into words. If you know a Conner, get to know him. He is most likely the most amazing guy you will ever meet!

    Conner meaning & definition 9 of Conner.

  • A truly awesome person who is extremely handsome, always dresses nicely and loves god. He can wreck anyone who competes with him in any given sport and is a great guy. Always impresses the ladies and treats them with the most respect. He is a great friend and a even better boyfriend. Conner can do anything he sets his mind to. He is not a pervert, sometimes, and is just awesome. Sometimes referred to as the Ferris Bueller of really life or Chuck Norris's twin brother.

    Conner meaning & definition 10 of Conner.

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