• Talk at length, especially in an inflated or empty way.

    Bloviate meaning & definition 1 of Bloviate.

  • [Bloviate] is closely associated with U.S. President [Warren G. Harding], who used it frequently and who was known for long, windy speeches. H.L. Mencken said of him, He writes the worst English that I have ever encountered. It reminds me of a string of wet sponges; it reminds me of tattered washing on the line; it reminds me of stale [bean soup], of college yells, of dogs barking idiotically through endless nights. It is so bad that a sort of grandeur creeps into it. It drags itself out of the dark abysm of pish, and crawls insanely up the topmost pinnacle of posh. It is rumble and bumble. It is flap and doodle. It is balder and dash.

    Bloviate meaning & definition 2 of Bloviate.

  • To [discourse] at length in a pompous or [boastful] manner.

    A key attribute to those that sell. To pretend to understand technical subject matter and [sell it] to others even dumber then oneself.

    Bloviate meaning & definition 3 of Bloviate.

  • [orate] verbosely and windily

    Bloviate meaning & definition 4 of Bloviate.

  • To [boast] [emphatically] about how wonderful and adored you are by everyone so [bigly].

    Bloviate meaning & definition 5 of Bloviate.

  • what [Bill OReilly] tells his viewers not to do in their emails. see [pithy]

    what [OReilly] says is his job.

    Bloviate meaning & definition 6 of Bloviate.

  • To [speak] pompously or [brag].

    Bloviate meaning & definition 7 of Bloviate.

  • Verb. A new Internet term that means:

    to act, talk or write like a [blowhard];

    to talk like a Republican [politician].

    The word is an [amalgam] of (to) blowhard and to obviate.

    Bloviate meaning & definition 8 of Bloviate.

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