• and [cloud 9]
    a state of total euphoria (See also [on cloud nine].)

    Cloud nine meaning & definition 2 of Cloud nine.

  • The state of being out of your head because you have recently fallen in love.

    Cloud nine meaning & definition 3 of Cloud nine.

  • that altered state (of mind) into which the male is elevated when his girlfriend gives him a tantalizing, long, slow blow job which seems so perfect that he wishes to die rather than return to reality on Earth.

    Cloud nine meaning & definition 4 of Cloud nine.

  • A method of increasing sensitivity to the body while under the effects of MDMA and other similar drugs. It is when someon lays on the back of someone else and runs around or walks around while the person on ecstacy closes their eyes and feels like they are floating as the air rushes past them. The person rolling that is going to be in cloud nine needs to go back to back with someone else and link there arms together. The person that is going to cloud nine then needs to leanback and have the person who is going to walk or run around pull forward. This should put the roller ontop of the persons back.

    Cloud nine meaning & definition 5 of Cloud nine.

  • very high

    Cloud nine meaning & definition 6 of Cloud nine.

  • a happy, pleasurable state of mind usually used after smokin tree, drinking alot of alki or havin sex

    Cloud nine meaning & definition 7 of Cloud nine.

  • A way for retarded people to get high

    Cloud nine meaning & definition 8 of Cloud nine.

  • A Cloud Nine is an easy way to be launched into a high euphoria. First, the person who is going to be cloud nined must flatten against a wall, and then bend over. After that, they must hyperventilate for 1 to 2 minutes. After hypervetilating, they suck in all air and hold their breath. After that, they once again go back against the wall with their breath held. A second person must then immediately cut off all blood and oxygen going to the brain, by placing their hands over the cloud niners throat, as if they were choking the cloud niner. After this, the cloud niner should pass out for a few seconds and then awake. When the cloud niner awakes, they have little knowledge of anything around them and dont remember who the people are around them, no matter how good of friends they are with the people surrounding them. This usually sends the cloud niner into a shocked state. WARNING: This entry can not be held responsible for any cloud nine related injuries due to taking instruction from it, because I simply was told what it was like from a friend.

    Cloud nine meaning & definition 9 of Cloud nine.

  • and [cloud 9]
    a state of total euphoria (See also [on cloud nine].)

    Cloud nine meaning & definition 10 of Cloud nine.

  • Stupid game [played] by [teenagers] too pussy to actually take [drugs].

    Cloud nine meaning & definition 11 of Cloud nine.

  • @Sonia I think you said it best. Weird too cause I have had the luck of recently falling in love harder than I've ever fallen before, tbh I'm sure now what I thought was love before wasn't because none of my ex's ever made me feel anything close to where she makes me feel, anyways, I just said to her how she has me on cloud 9 and she had never heard that saying before. What's weird that I'm talking about is the way I defined it is pretty much exactly how you said. Almost like a sign to lmk I'm where I'm supposed to be.

    Cloud nine meaning & definition 12 of Cloud nine.

  • @Donald-Trump surprised you had a girl do that for you after just walking up and grabbing her by the 🙀 I figured they'd all run after that. Tbh I thought they'da all run when they saw you walking towards them.

    Cloud nine meaning & definition 13 of Cloud nine.

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