• One who does not conform to an established church; especially,one who does not conform to the established church of England; adissenter.

    Nonconformist meaning & definition 1 of Nonconformist.

  • Contrary to popular belief, there IS such a thing as a nonconformist. However, they ARE rare. True nonconformists conform to their OWN ideas (which, in reality is not conforming at all). Sinse they only conform to themselves, they come in all different forms, depending on what type of person they are. In short, a nonconformist is a totally honest and transparent person who says what they think does what they want.

    Nonconformist meaning & definition 2 of Nonconformist.

  • A nonconformist is a person who does not conform to the trends of the average person. A true nonconformist does what they want to do and not what other people want them to do.
    This is not to be confused with an anticonformist, which is a person who does the opposite of what the typical person does.
    Anticonformists often call themselfs nonconformists, because they dont know any better.

    Nonconformist meaning & definition 3 of Nonconformist.

  • A maverick
    To noncomfort is to completely ignore the society norms and its pressures on you.
    The image that some people call non-comfortist is just an image that they want to portray themselves are independent and not needing of society and its rules and regulations to functions as a being. Its because of the individualistic nature of this society that many people wish to portray themselves as such. And its something you dont decide. You are born a nonconformist. Its not that you purposely go against the norms. Its that you fail to recognize the importance rules, structures and social norms and this naturally makes an above average level of uniqueness to you. Given the lack of this pressure to conform to sociality you given much more freedom to think and act and do. Your acts, thoughts, and ideas may appear absurd to others. Nonconformist tend to either be leaders or loners and mavericks. They are often too new and innovative for their own times. What they hate most is bureaucracy, and way too often when given a position of power they will throwaway the normal routines and traditions of the office. Free-flowing, creative, and intensely independent and individualistic; Born to pave their on path in life and refuse to accept somebody elses; Always Changing; Never Stopping; Trend Setting; with an inability to follow the establish rules and procedures even the ones they set themselves.
    Their Greatest Strengths: Being new, innovative, and trailblazing; Filled with a lot of creativity, vision, and loads of leadership skills.
    Their Greatest Weakness: A failure to keep the support and constancy of others.

    Nonconformist meaning & definition 4 of Nonconformist.

  • A term that seems to be largely skewed on this website.
    A nonconformist is NOT a goth, and is nothing like it. Goths are conformists, as they are conforming to being goths. There are no group considered nonconformists because that doesnt make sense. A nonconformist is simply someone who doesnt like the social groups he lives around, so chooses to stay out of it. These people will normally be wearing random articles of clothing, sometimes or often provocative that wouldnt actually put someone into a group.

    Nonconformist meaning & definition 5 of Nonconformist.

  • a person who usually does things [differently] from the majority of people, not for the [sake] of being different and special, but because they [prefer] to do so.

    Nonconformist meaning & definition 6 of Nonconformist.

  • something alot of people claim [nonexistant] to the contrairy however it does exist. it has nothing to do with clothes or music. a nonconformist will listen to music they like regardless of the fan base. theyll wear cloths THEY like which could be pajamas or hollister, who cares its what they want for there own reasons. emo is NOT [nonconformity] nor is gangster. punk is a label that spawned from nonconformity but is [not it] itself. nonconformity is NOT someone who wears cloths or music that specificly draws attention to there differences, thats just rebellion.

    Nonconformist meaning & definition 7 of Nonconformist.

  • In reality, this is someone who does what they want to in life and doesnt do things just because of others. They are influenced by society but do not follow it. The Common misconseption is that youre only a nonconformist if you [conform] to being a nonconformist, but theyre just the people who [fucked it] all up and are the real [conformists]. The topic is quite contradictory.

    Nonconformist meaning & definition 8 of Nonconformist.

  • The latest trend in pop culture, seen heavily in examples of Emo. [Nonconformity] itself is to be your own person, and to shun the local trends and live for yourself.
    Of course, these days everyone is a nonconformist together: not listening to classic rock together, not wearing regular clothes together, and not loving your [perfectly fine] life together.
    Yet, there shines a [glimmer] of hope, for there are a few true nonconformists out there, the ones who do what they want, whether or not someone else likes it. Unfortunately, these people are usually seen as nerds, and are quickly dismissed. Of course, the nonconformist doesnt care at all.

    Nonconformist meaning & definition 9 of Nonconformist.

  • [See] [conformist].

    Nonconformist meaning & definition 10 of Nonconformist.

  • A member of a Protestant Church which dissents from the established Church of England.

    Nonconformist meaning & definition 11 of Nonconformist.

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