• when referring to YouTube:
    a video that is basically a HowTo. It demonstrates how to make, build, or do something. It can also be for a hairstyle or makeup.

    Tutorial meaning & definition 2 of Tutorial.

  • The most miserable lesson ever created, even tutors think it is pointless.
    Time is spent doing pointless tasks which apparently lead to bullshit qualifications which don't apply to any use in any situation ever.
    Tutorial is such a waste of time, even defining it on UD is almost pointless.

    Tutorial meaning & definition 3 of Tutorial.

  • Basically it...uh... walks you step by step.. uh step by step taking process.

    Tutorial meaning & definition 4 of Tutorial.

  • (Noun)

    1. A step-by-step guide on how to do something.
      synonyms: training, how-to, guide, lesson

    Tutorial meaning & definition 5 of Tutorial.

  • A meeting with one's tutor in a specific subject at some universities such as Oxford and Cambridge.

    Tutorial meaning & definition 6 of Tutorial.

  • A project one must complete in order to earn their degree. Tutorials have been known to make otherwise sane college students suicidal.
    See also: [thesis]

    Tutorial meaning & definition 7 of Tutorial.

  • When everyone grabs a selected individual and, as a group, smashes them into the garden.
    Originated from when Fatnoter used to get a tutorial on RuneScape by Cam and co. and they used to just beat the fuck out of him.

    Tutorial meaning & definition 8 of Tutorial.

  • The embodiment of TutorialCentral.com it is the beginning and end of the entire world of tutorials and learning.

    Tutorial meaning & definition 9 of Tutorial.

  • A computer tutorial is an interactive software program created as a learning tool. Tutorials help people learn new skills by using a step-by-step process that ensures the user is following along and comprehending the material. For example, a Web development tutorial may begin with instructions on how to create a basic Web page. This page might only include the words Welcome to my website on it and use the minimum HTML required in order for the page to load in a Web browser. Once the user is able to create a working Web page, the tutorial may explain how to add other features, such as styled text, table layouts, and images, to the page. Then the tutorial may provide instructions on how to publish the Web page to the Internet.
    Some software tutorials provide testing features to ensure comprehension of the material, while others may be simple walkthroughs of a software program. Tutorials can be used for both school and business purposes and are written for basic, intermediate, and advanced users. Even smart computer programmers use tutorials. Most software development programs include a tutorial for creating a Hello World! program, which is the most basic program that can be created with the software. Since tutorials offer a gradual approach to learning, they can be helpful to people at many different skill levels. If a computer programmer can benefit from a tutorial, just about anybody can.

    Tutorial meaning & definition 10 of Tutorial.

  • Relating to a tutor or a tutors tuition.

    Tutorial meaning & definition 11 of Tutorial.

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