• (noun) A Briar is a reference used in southwest Ohio and southeast Indiana to refer to a white person of Kentucky (usually Eastern Kentucky)and sometimes even East Tennessee, Virginia or West Virginia heritage. The term has a certain amount of irony because much of the areas where the term is used are chock-full of Briars. Its the N-word of white folks in parts of the [Upper South]. If you are a Briar, you may call another Briar a Briar, but if you are not a Briar and call another a Briar, them are fighin words! Briar is especially well known in [Dayton] Ohio.

    Briar meaning & definition 1 of Briar.

  • Briar is a term used in SouthWest Ohio similar to redneck with an exception, they graduated high school. A Briar is smarter than a redneck but only slightly. They drive Chevys, and Fords ONLY and sometimes a Dodge . Why? Well [the answers] simple because its [Amurican](Am-er-i-can, with a dip in). Like rednecks they drink beer, hunt, and build shit. Except their beer isnt Budweiser, when they hunt they dont just use guns, they also use bows, and when they build shit it actually stays up. When they come across a problem they figure it out and fix it. They never take their cars in for an oil change or to get their tires rotated, because they do it themselves. Pretty much they get shit done. Briars dont wear camo they dress like normal everyday people so theyre not easily identified. On rare nights when [the moons] just right, you might just see one on their porch as the light [glistens] off the can of beer as it meets their lips. They say [worsh] instead of wash, pop instead of soda, supper instead of dinner, and ol lady instead of wife. Briars are often found to be a [mommas boy].

    Briar meaning & definition 2 of Briar.

  • [A stupid] [bitch] who uses anything for [attention].

    Briar meaning & definition 3 of Briar.

  • A type of thorn/shrub that is typically irritating and painful due to its [barbs] and tenacious nature.

    Another name for Aurora, or [Sleeping Beauty], the [disney princess].

    The name of a female who may or may not exhibit similar characteristics to the plant and who may be caustic, self-centered, emotional, fickle, and the most amazing artist, writer, sister, and best friend you could ever ask for.

    Briar meaning & definition 4 of Briar.

  • An unbelievably gorgeous boy who has [ringlets] for hair and big, blue eyes. With an outgoing personality and a [cherubic] smile, he is an angel in disguise. [Briars] really enjoying rocking out. They are electronic genuises and reject conformity. If you have a Briar in your life, thank your lucky stars because they are few and far between.

    Briar meaning & definition 5 of Briar.

  • A [throny] [shrub]

    Briar meaning & definition 6 of Briar.

  • A female [minor] who lies about their age, usually for sex with older males.

    Also can be used as a slang term for somebody who [sleeps] with many partners (see [slag] or slut)

    Briar meaning & definition 7 of Briar.

  • n. Any important ice-curling or water-polo tournament where prizes in the form of large coffee-cups are awarded for shot-rock, [sweepings] mvp, and top goalie. Often Canadians and Swedish folk take their elderly or infirm relatives to Briars as it is a restful form of entertainment that will not over-stimulate the senses. Traditionally women are not allowed to compete in Briars except mid-week but this is changing with the introduction of [half-weight] rocks. A Canada-wide briar, in which the revered Tim Hortons Coffee Tankard is awarded, is held every three years with entrants selected in a [national lottery].

    Briar meaning & definition 8 of Briar.

  • Noun. People, usually caucasians, who where mullets, go to NASCAR events, drive pick-up trucks, believe [Dennys] is fine-dining, drink all your [Heineken] yet only offer you [Old Milwaukee] Light, put Calvin stickers on their back window, and who typically procreate at an alarming rate disproportional to their yearly household income because they have no job skills or ambition.

    Briar meaning & definition 9 of Briar.

  • the [fakest] nastiest [bitch i]’ve ever met. the girl that is poor and asks her friends to steal for her, she is a manipulative skank that will never gain respect from nobody. she is now a lonely piece of shit. she is also the type of person to cut her pubes with her [nanas] kitchen scissors

    Briar meaning & definition 10 of Briar.

  • a wild bush, especially a rose or blackberry bush with long stems and sharp thorns :

    Briar meaning & definition 11 of Briar.

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