• To [raise up] or leave.

    Levitate meaning & definition 1 of Levitate.

  • To [levitate] means to smoke pot. It refers to achieving a [meditative] [mindstate], one that yoga gurus (presumably) achieve, whilst sitting in a lotus pose. When in this mindstate, it might feel as youre floating mid-air, ergo levitating.

    Levitate meaning & definition 2 of Levitate.

  • to [steal]. to [take] [without] permission.

    Levitate meaning & definition 3 of Levitate.

  • When youre [boxers] are [kliming] [op] all day, and makes youre pants fit unconfortable and you want to put them back in theire original position

    Levitate meaning & definition 4 of Levitate.

  • To have ill-fitting [denim] [trousers] [ride up] uncomfortably on your crotch.

    Levitate meaning & definition 5 of Levitate.

  • Rise or cause to rise and hover in the air, typically by means of supposed magical powers.

    Levitate meaning & definition 6 of Levitate.

  • A [pokemon] ability that causes [ground] type [moves] to miss.

    Levitate meaning & definition 7 of Levitate.

  • (Verb) To achieve [synchronized] [bliss] with your partner while performing couples [yoga].

    Levitate meaning & definition 8 of Levitate.

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