• To intimidate with threats and by an overbearing, swaggeringdemeanor; to act the part of a bully toward.For the last fortnight there have been prodigious shoals ofvolunteers gone over to bully the French, upon hearing the peace wasjust signing. Tatler.

    Bully meaning & definition 1 of Bully.

  • A young hoodlum who revels in making peoples lives a misery during school years. Happily though, when they grow up they will have nothing more to look forward to than getting anally penetrated every day by fellow prisoners in the shower, or, by the prison wardens truncheon ;D

    Bully meaning & definition 2 of Bully.

  • A person who makes fun of others based on their own insecurities about life.

    Bully meaning & definition 3 of Bully.

  • The dumbest shit that think that making people miserable is good when it only makes them look dumber.

    Bully meaning & definition 4 of Bully.

  • Stupid dumbasses who have nothing better to do than pick on weaker victims. These assholes really need to get a life. Also the cause of violence and crimes in society.

    Bully meaning & definition 5 of Bully.

  • The mean kids at my school who wont stop beating me up just becaus i wear trousers pulled up to my chest, a pink bow tie, huge glasses and orange shoes from giant tiger.

    Bully meaning & definition 6 of Bully.

  • A word that former President Theodore Roosevelt used, meaning great!

    Bully meaning & definition 7 of Bully.

  • Bullies are scum, pure and simple. They torment people who cant

    Bully meaning & definition 8 of Bully.

  • mean kid we all went to school with
    Mike Comer
    a-hole who will someday get his
    angry youth who probably was violated by a priest

    Bully meaning & definition 9 of Bully.

  • To humiliate, persecute, underestimate, harass, lower, tease, desocialize, hurt, discriminate, jeer, ridicule, bother, disturb, molest, trouble, embarass, mishandle, insult, weaker, injure, harm, affront, torture, offend, prejudice, torment, intimidate...

    Bully meaning & definition 10 of Bully.

  • A bully is someone who gets kicked in the ass by karma for being such a jerk - growing up to be nothing more than a cement mixer.

    Bully meaning & definition 11 of Bully.

  • Somebody who [hurts] others either [physically], mentally or emotionally. They can [ruin] a persons life, just to make themselves feel better

    Bully meaning & definition 12 of Bully.

  • That one asshole at your school who in [elementary school] is a [total douche] who picks on you but when you get to middle school you let out all your rage after working out all summer and beat [the living shit] out of him

    Bully meaning & definition 13 of Bully.

  • a [lesser being] of evolution who has to physically or mentelly abuse a poor defenceless person to make him or herself fell good. They get off and hurting the younger or more fragile human beings. All bullies are are prejudice assholes who dont even know a person yet get off by pointing out physical faults. i made up a small poem about [bulling]
    [Bulling] isnt big and it isnt clever but no matter how much anybody tries it will be around forever i know i have been bullied for ten years physically and mentally and the old saying2sticks and stones may brake my bones but words will never hurt me is a load of SHIT!!!!! the scars may heel but the words stay in your heart and in your head forever!

    Bully meaning & definition 14 of Bully.

  • Bully in Rackets. Another name for a rally.

    Bully meaning & definition 15 of Bully.

  • Bully in Field Hockey. The name for the set play that is used to restart the game, similar to a drop-ball in soccer, from where the infringement took place. Two opposing players stand facing each other and tap each others sticks and the ground three times. All other players must be at least 16ft away until the ball goes into play.

    Bully meaning & definition 16 of Bully.

  • A bully is someone who uses their power or influence to intimidate, harm others physically and/or emotionally. Bullying is often a response to fear, anxiety or low self-esteem. It is important to stand up against bullies and protect yourself from harm. Bullying can be seen in many forms, such as physical or verbal attacks. It is important to report bullying and seek help from trusted adults or professionals.

    Bully meaning & definition 17 of Bully.

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