• Stands for Computer-Aided Design. CAD is the use of computers to create 2D and 3D designs. Common types of CAD include two-dimensional layout design and three-dimensional modeling.
    2D CAD has many applications, but it is commonly used to design vector-based layouts. For example, architects may use CAD software to create overhead views of building floor plans and outdoor landscapes. These layouts, which contain vector graphics, can be scaled to different sizes, which may be used for proposals or blueprints. 2D CAD also includes drawings, such as sketches and mockups, which are common at the beginning of the design process.
    3D CAD is commonly used in developing video games and animated films. It also has several real-world applications, such as product design, civil engineering, and simulation modeling. 3D CAD includes computer-aided manufacturing (CAM), which involves the actual manufacturing of three-dimensional objects.
    Like 2D CAD drawings, 3D models are typically vector-based, but the vectors include three dimensions, rather than two. This allows designers to create complex 3D shapes that can be moved, rotated, enlarged, and modified. Some 3D models are created exclusively of polygons, while others may include Bézier curves and other rounded surfaces.
    When creating a 3D model, a CAD designer may first construct the basic shape of the object, or wireframe. Once the shape is complete, surfaces can be added that may include colors, gradients, or designs that can be applied using a process called texture mapping. Many CAD programs include the ability to adjust lighting, which affects the shadows and reflections of the object. Some programs also include a timeline that can be used to create 3D animations.
    CAD Drawing of an Office Room

    CAD meaning & definition 1 of CAD.

  • A rogue, or [bounder]. A cad is a man who is aware of the codes of conduct which seperate a gentleman from a ruffian, but finds himself unable to quite live up to them. [Cads] are quite capable of disguising themselves as good chaps for some time, only revealing their true nature in circumstances of particular stress or temptation. Others embrace their caddishness whole-heartedly and delight in behaving in a manner which is, to be quite frank, [not cricket].
    They are certainly intelligent, educated, often cultured and frequently very witty, but, alas, are simply unreliable.

    CAD meaning & definition 2 of CAD.

  • A [cad] is someone who can be quite charming, intelligent, capable of engaging in stimulating conversation, ultimately presenting himself as a gentlemen. A cad, however, is not a gentleman because he systematically cons [lovely ladies] into falling in love with him and then openly cheats on them. He is completely selfish with only feigned regard for womens feelings. Somewhat like a playboy but instead of being open about his philanderings, a cad usually pretends to care about a woman before coitus, thereby confusing the woman when he drops her like [a hot potato]. He is dishonest with most people around him (often even himself). [Cads] also frequently have addiction issues.

    CAD meaning & definition 3 of CAD.

  • Acronym for Computer Aided Design, which is the use of [computer technology] for creating [2D] or 3D design-models. CAD is used for creating the blueprints of numerous real world designs and [innovations].

    CAD meaning & definition 4 of CAD.

  • [Prison] or [jail]

    CAD meaning & definition 5 of CAD.

  • Regency-era [swear word], meaning a man who doesnt [treat] women [proper].

    CAD meaning & definition 6 of CAD.

  • someone who acts like a COMPLETE [butt] to girls but is SO [handsome]. Most guys who know him think he is a [total jerk] because he disagrees with all their beliefs.

    CAD meaning & definition 7 of CAD.

  • [Webcomic], widely considered to be a [rip-off] of the popular [Penny Arcade].

    CAD meaning & definition 8 of CAD.

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