• 1.) Physically attractive man.
    2.) Intellectually attractive man.
    3.) Emotionally attractive man.

    Has a voice so sweet he could make a wolverine purr. Most and probably best of all, hes more than you and yo momma combined.

    Marc meaning & definition 1 of Marc.

  • Often described as a sex god, a man able to pleasre women for hours on every orfice of their bodies

    Marc meaning & definition 2 of Marc.

  • Marc is the definition of a real man. He is everything that a woman would ever desire. He is the kind of man that should never be let go. If you ever get him, you indeed know that you have won a prize!

    Marc meaning & definition 3 of Marc.

  • Marc can be used to describe a person extremely talented at maths. A maths geek!

    A person who takes great interest in magic, and is amazing at it is a marc.

    A person who plays guitar very well is a marc.

    Marc is someone with sexy hair.

    Should not be mistaken for Mark, with a k.

    Marc meaning & definition 4 of Marc.

  • A really sexy kid that dates sluts

    Marc meaning & definition 5 of Marc.

  • A person with a very large penis who can fuck wildly. These Marcs can be found in England

    Marc meaning & definition 6 of Marc.

  • The capitalized word Marc is a male first name, the Catalan, French, Romanian and Welsh forms of the name Mark.

    Marc meaning & definition 7 of Marc.

  • Marc defines a real man 😉

    Marc meaning & definition 8 of Marc.

  • Usually an amazing,funny,sweet,attractive,cool boy. Usually good as a boyfriend or even a bestfriend.Marcs are boys that every girl wishes they had and the girl that has him is very lucky and all the girls that dont are jealous.He is very fun to talk to and will stay up all hours of the night text messaging.A guy that every girl wishes he had and likes girls named Marissa.

    Marc meaning & definition 9 of Marc.

  • is the French form of Mark. In Latin the name is associated with Mars, the god of war.

    Most Marcs have blue eyes and light hair and are absolutely beautiful.

    Most Marcs like to have a lot of people around them so as not to feel lonely.

    Most Marcs know how to get the ladies.

    Marc is very different from Mark.

    Marc meaning & definition 10 of Marc.

  • A [mentally ill] guy who claims to be a [therapist]. He fabricates false quotes that he attributes to his victims... I mean clients, and literally [mocks] the appearance of his victims... I mean clients. He thinks its fun to bully people.

    Marc meaning & definition 11 of Marc.

  • The kindest, most caring boi ever. Hell be nice to someone and tell them what they wanna hear even if he truly believes that theyre a fucking asshole. He does and says the cutest things and has the most [infectious smile]. He distracts you from all your worries and sticks by you even when youre not in the best of moods. He has a massive dick and he knows it and certainly doesnt shy away from using it-especially when overseas..He has a [pretty wizard] girlfriend who loves him very much and thinks that he is pre cool [Yoshi]. Oh and has a nutella fetish.

    Marc meaning & definition 12 of Marc.

  • [Perfect guy] for almost any girl.
    Prefers to date girls whos name starts with any letter from [A to G].
    Will be your long-term friend.
    Loves music.
    If white: A [snowboarder].
    If black: A skateboarder.
    Wears skinny jeans.
    Refuses to cut own hair.
    Really creative.
    Writes/Plays music.
    Great future ahead.
    Plays basketball and soccer.
    Girls love him.
    Really fun.

    Marc meaning & definition 13 of Marc.

  • [remedy] to a [migrane].

    Marc meaning & definition 14 of Marc.

  • ([Adj].) To describe someone who has [dimples], making them [attractive].

    Marc meaning & definition 15 of Marc.

  • The refuse of grapes or other fruit that have been pressed for winemaking.

    Marc meaning & definition 16 of Marc.

  • Marc or MARC may refer to:

    Marc meaning & definition 17 of Marc.

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