• The tenth month of the year, containing thirty-one days.

    October meaning & definition 1 of October.

  • the birthstone for this month is Opal, but there is also a cheaper Rose Zicron.

    and its also the best month ever if your birthday is in it

    October meaning & definition 2 of October.

  • People born in october are fun loving and energetic, and care very much (sometimes too much) what other people think about them. They love having friends and are outgoing in certain scenarios, but not in others. They may have trouble finding who they realy are but once they click, their personality explodes. October is the best month to be born in :]

    October meaning & definition 3 of October.

  • The awesomest month of the year!

    October meaning & definition 4 of October.

  • Tenth month of the year, and also the month of the Libra. Opal is the beautiful birthstone for October. Very exciting month. Fall takes effect, columbus sailed the ocean blue, and you can give a treat or get your azz tricked all in this month.

    October meaning & definition 5 of October.

  • October, the 10th, and obviously the best month of the year, and is so for several reasons.

    Birthstone is Opal
    Zodiac signs Libra and Scorpio
    Most likely conceived between Christmas and Valentines Day (giggity).

    October meaning & definition 6 of October.

  • 10th month of the year and its...

    breast cancer awareness month!!

    squish a boob...

    save a life....

    October meaning & definition 7 of October.

  • Someone With A Mind Blowing name, just like the wind. Usually Hot, and long brunette hair..some would say with a dark side, usually loves music and enjoys a great night out.

    October meaning & definition 8 of October.

  • is the crazy party month.
    Libras will come to get you and everyone dresses up in freakky getups....and asks you for candy

    October meaning & definition 9 of October.


    October meaning & definition 10 of October.

  • [National] [Smack Ass] [Month]

    October meaning & definition 11 of October.

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