• A term coined by various critics which discusses the current trend in horror Hollywood which consists of horror movies having no story whatsoever but gratuitous images of people having random body parts removed--from legs, heads to even penises (The last in [Hostel 2]). Its for those who dont remember the good old days where storytelling was key over visuals.

    Torture porn meaning & definition 1 of Torture porn.

  • Modern SpongeBob

    Torture porn meaning & definition 2 of Torture porn.

  • A catchy if not condescending term used to describe the genre of movies in which people are tortured and killed, like the [Saw] and [Hostel] series. The phrase of course implies that those who enjoy the movies have a fetish for such things and get their rocks off watching someone being tortured.
    Unfortunately this completely ignores the strengths of these movies. Saw really does have an interesting philosophical aspect, really. The story is also pretty good. The guy above said Hostel actually is just plain ol torture, I would agree there.

    Torture porn meaning & definition 3 of Torture porn.

  • A phrase for a genre of horror films that seriously-very-douchebaggy critics came up with, and critic-sheep use as a mantra.
    They tend to mindlessly apply them to the Saw films, The Devils Rejetcs and Hostel without actually doing any research. But when your opinion is popular, you dont need to do research, amirite?
    Saw is usually accused of starting the torture porn genre. For more on that theory, see: [flat-out fucking lie]
    You see, [Cannibal Holocaust] came out twenty years ago, much more violent than all the Saw/Hostel/Devils Rejects films put together. That was 1980, so this didnt come out of nowhere with Hostel and Saw.
    Plus, the Texas Chainsaw/Halloween/Friday the 13th remakes have been regarded as torture porn by some, even though theyre the same as they were twenty years ago.
    So...it is possible that were just in an age of oversensitive-politically-correct douchebaggery?
    Our crack team of researchers say...yeah, pretty much.

    Torture porn meaning & definition 4 of Torture porn.

  • An ignorant, degrading, condescending, judgemental and hypocritical phrase asserted by fuckwit Bible-thumpers and conservative critics to films like [Hostel] and [Saw] and [The Devils Rejects]. The logic behind Hostel and Devils Rejects being pinned such an ignorant term, maybe I could see. But the [Saw] films dont deserve that condescending shit.
    Torture porn is a term that doesnt apply because its BEEN applied by assholes, to films that have violence and nudity. Said assholes like to assume fans of these films are sadists who jerk off to this kind of thing or something, which in reality is fucking bullshit propaganda at its finest. Most people who label [Saw] torture porn have never even SEEN the goddamn film, and just listen to what the media tells them about it, because theyre fucking stupid. Not one fan of [Hostel] or [Saw] that Ive ever known in my entire life has gone to see it because they wanted to jerk off to pain and suffering. They went to see it because they wanted to see a story, and use intellect to read between the fucking lines and see a film for what it is.
    Case in point: Hostel. Yes, it has porno-style nudity, and yes it focuses on torture and gore. However, if you give it a thought (I know how uncomfortable haters of torture porn are with that God-awful thinking), you might see it as a film about the darkness of human nature within itself, and in a way it makes us think about the price of life. If you think Im just making this shit up as an excuse to watch people die in agony, youre a goddamn moron, so please fuck your mother and die.
    I dont even HAVE to defend the Saw films, because any fan of the Saw films can show the philisophical subtexts to the Saw films, which I will defend to my last breath.
    Another point: THEYRE JUST MOVIES. No one is really getting tortured, its just special effect and makeup. You want torture porn? Read the Bible, and shut the fuck up.

    Torture porn meaning & definition 5 of Torture porn.

  • An expression referring to some modern horror/thriller films you have to have a moron level of 23 (on a scale of 1-5) to use anymore. For Christs sake, its 2009. Torture porn is a silly phrase meant to refer to some movies, like Hostel, a phrase which is as old and outdated by now as segregation laws.
    You have to be either
    A: A complete retard
    B: A troll
    A pissed off old guy
    A film critic with a basketball hoop up his ass
    to actually use this term. In fact, if you use this term, that invalidates any argument you may put forward.
    In other words, get over it and bitch about something new.

    Torture porn meaning & definition 6 of Torture porn.

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