• A loser, poser, lame-ass.

    One who talks the talk, but could never walk the walk.

    One who talks shit and doesnt back it up, but rather ends up eating their shit in return.

    A fuckin tard.

    Jabroni meaning & definition 1 of Jabroni.

  • Jabroni is really an Italian profanity. It is slang for ass hole or dumb ass

    Jabroni meaning & definition 2 of Jabroni.

  • Put down used by kick-ass wrestler [The Rock]

    Jabroni meaning & definition 3 of Jabroni.

  • A slang term in professional wrestling first used by the Iron Sheik and then again later by Dwayne The Rock Johnson. It is derived from the word [jobber], which is someone who routinely loses, or does the job.

    Jabroni meaning & definition 4 of Jabroni.

  • A Jabroni is someone who sucks. Jabronis are often inferior in skills such as light-sabering, dancing, or playing video games. Jabronis can not make decent cocktails.

    Jabroni meaning & definition 5 of Jabroni.

  • A punk/idiot. Someone who you try to avoid. Someone with no redeeming qualities.

    Jabroni meaning & definition 6 of Jabroni.

  • An italian jackass

    Jabroni meaning & definition 7 of Jabroni.

  • One who urinates in inappropriate places While intoxicated.

    Jabroni meaning & definition 8 of Jabroni.

  • A parker, a fool, a dumbass that should frigg off.

    Jabroni meaning & definition 9 of Jabroni.

  • Respected accountant, working efficiently with the use of APC.

    Jabroni meaning & definition 10 of Jabroni.

  • Jsbroni

    Jabroni meaning & definition 11 of Jabroni.

  • In wrestling: a [jobber].
    In reality: Dumbass. Loser. A no good [son of bitch]. Talks a lot of shit but can never [back it up].

    Jabroni meaning & definition 12 of Jabroni.

  • Pronounced: Jah-bro-nee
    Plural: Jabronis
    Pronounced: Jah-bro-nee-ss
    [Jabroni] is - to me and maybe some others - is a one-size-fits-all insult. Jabroni can be used to insult anyone for anything. They could be a poser, a [lame-ass], a [dck], an asshole, a motherf[cker], really anything.{1} The pluses to using [jabroni] over more traditional insults such as the ones listed previously are that its not used often - giving an enriched and more important and potent insult{2} - and that you can use it for anything as said before. If youre teacher is being just a c*nt, call them a jabroni. He/She will not know what that means, and you can tell them its a positive thing. Meanwhile everyone else knows that someone just [straight-up] called them a(n) INSERT INSULT HERE.{3}
    The word jabroni is a new-age insult. Its a new word; weve seen it be created. Origin shows usage from WWE wrestling. Where The Rock uses jabroni to describe a [jobber]. How some discovered it in the form shown here was from the [Vinesauce] live streams. The song The End? by The Four Jabronis is linked here.

    Jabroni meaning & definition 13 of Jabroni.

  • One who is [not good] at his chosen profession or current task.

    A [jabroni] talks smack but has no way of [backing up] his mouth.

    A jabroni lets his mouth say stupid things when it shouldnt.

    Jabroni meaning & definition 14 of Jabroni.

  • A foolish or contemptible person.

    Jabroni meaning & definition 15 of Jabroni.

  • @Sarah jabroni: carny-speak for jobber. A loser, constantly "doing the job" for others. As in, look at this loser, what a jabroni.

    Jabroni meaning & definition 16 of Jabroni.

  • @sarah Italian language literally does not have any word with J

    Jabroni meaning & definition 17 of Jabroni.

  • @sarah My Italian mother called me that in the early 60's.

    Jabroni meaning & definition 18 of Jabroni.

  • @sarah hahaha suka

    Jabroni meaning & definition 19 of Jabroni.

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