• Adjective: A group which is open to members of all sexual orientations or gender identities including [straight], [gay], [lesbian], [bisexual], [transexual], or [transvestite].

    Noun: A person who is sexually interested in other people regardless of gender including [male]s, [female]s, [transexual]s, [tansvestite]s, [gender bender]s, [hermaphrodite]s, [intersexual]s, [androgenous] people, and those with [sex-chromosome anomaly] such as [klinefelter syndrome] or [turner syndrome].

    Noun: A person who is a member of a pansexual group or a person who associates with people of all sexual orientations but is not necessarily interested in sex with people of all [sex]es or [gender]s though they may be comfortable with public displays of affection ([PDA]s) or semi-public sexual activity which is not confined to their own [sexual orientation].

    Noun: One who perceives all activities and experiences as sexual.

    Noun: One who believes that all consensual activities are ethical.

    Noun. One who believes that all
    human behavior stems from the sex drive.

    Adj. Pertaining to a person, group, or idea fitting the above descriptions.

    Derivation: From the greek pan (meaning all) and the english sexual
    Alternate forms: [pansexuality] [pansexualism] [pansexualist] [pansexualize]
    Synonyms: [omnisexual]

    Pansexual meaning & definition 1 of Pansexual.

  • loving a person for WHO they are and not what they are
    wishes to be compatable through mind.

    [true love]

    Pansexual meaning & definition 2 of Pansexual.

  • The state of being sexually attracted to males, females, transexuals, transgenders, intersexes (hermaphroditic), transvestites, androgynes, etc...

    Kind of like being bisexual, except bi only refers to two sexes.

    Pansexual meaning & definition 3 of Pansexual.

  • one whos affections, romantic platonic or sexual, are potentially geared towards anyone regardless of sex or gender identity.

    Pansexual meaning & definition 4 of Pansexual.

  • Someone who is sexually attracted to pans, be they frying, baking, etc.

    Pansexual meaning & definition 5 of Pansexual.

  • Basically, being attracted to not just two sexes like [bisexual] implies. Theyre attracted to ALL genders. This means the pansexual person is attracted to, or can be attracted to, males, females, intersexes, pangenders, androgynes, agenders, genderqueers, bigenders and many more.

    Pansexual meaning & definition 6 of Pansexual.

  • Because being Bi sexual is too mainstream.

    Pansexual meaning & definition 7 of Pansexual.

  • A pansexual is someone who isnt influenced by the binaries and labels surrounding gender and sexuality. This can mean attraction to anyone regardless of their gender identity or sexual orientation. Some pansexuals take it a step further to be openly against those labels and definitions, considering them to be destructive and alienating.

    Pansexual meaning & definition 8 of Pansexual.

  • Though frequently defined as being a sexual orientation that accepts male, female, and anything else, pansexuality doesnt merely transcend typical gender binaries, but also refers to potential for love or attraction.
    One knows if he or she is pansexual if one does not entirely regard gender, race, creed, etc.
    Pansexuality is attraction on a more spiritual level, one might say, and focuses on who the target of affection is, rather than what, as do other sexualities.
    That being said, pansexuality and physical attraction--or a compulsion toward one sex more than the other--are not mutually exclusive; a pansexual can be attracted to someone physically and can have gender preferences for these attractions, just as those more concerned with physical attributes and/or genders often will additionally regard spiritual or personal attributes of potential lovers.
    In summary, pansexuality is love for a person simply for who he or she is, with little to no concern for what he or she is.

    Pansexual meaning & definition 9 of Pansexual.

  • [Pansexuality] is the ability to fall in love/being [attracted] to someone [regardless] their gender.

    Pansexual meaning & definition 10 of Pansexual.

  • The ability to put your hand down [somebodys] [pants] and literally [like whatever] you find.

    Pansexual meaning & definition 11 of Pansexual.

  • A rare and magical species whos [sexual orientation] consists of attraction to just about any particular [shade] of queer. Pansexuals are a rare and almost endangered species because many people do not believe that these magical [unicorns] exist. These wonderful creatures are generally very loving and accepting, so it is extremely important that you treat them with respect.

    Pansexual meaning & definition 12 of Pansexual.

  • Okay, let me give you an actual definition of [pansexuality] cause all these other definitions are wrong. A [pansexual] person may consider them as being [gender-blind]. They don’t see genders if that makes sense. They’ll fall in love with anybody. People often confuse bisexual and pansexual to be the same, but they’re not. The main difference between pansexuality and bisexuality is this; a bisexual person feels sexually attracted to both genders, while a pansexual person falls in love with ALL genders. They just have to have a good personality.

    Pansexual meaning & definition 13 of Pansexual.

  • being [sexually attracted] to [sandwiches] [especially] paninis

    Pansexual meaning & definition 14 of Pansexual.

  • When a person is [attracted] to another [regardless] of their [gender]❤🏳🌈

    Pansexual meaning & definition 15 of Pansexual.

  • Not limited in sexual choice with regard to biological sex, gender, or gender identity.

    Pansexual meaning & definition 16 of Pansexual.

  • Why is [every] [one] so [fucking hot]

    Pansexual meaning & definition 17 of Pansexual.

  • sexually attracted to many types of people, without considering whether they are men or women

    Pansexual meaning & definition 18 of Pansexual.

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