• A very shy girl at first but once she's comfortable with you she can be the funnest girl to be around. She can be a lil moody at times but, aren't all girls that way. You have to be very patient with her to. No matter what she does she always has good intention. When your with a Melissa you have to be very trust worthy because she trusts with all her heart. Lets not for get about the love you get from her. When she loves she loves for real and its that type of love that you don't want to go away. If you love a Melissa it would be like losing everything and everyone you have. I love you babe

    Melissa meaning & definition 11 of Melissa.

  • A plant of the genus Melissa (family Lamiaceae (Labiatae)), especially lemon balm, M. officinalis, chiefly as used medicinally; an extract of this herb. Also (in form Melissa): the genus itself.

    Melissa meaning & definition 12 of Melissa.

  • Greek name meaning bee! A truly amazing friend with a pure heart can be a bit rebellious at times! She always has a smile on her face and will cheer you up whenever you need! She knows when to [crack a joke]! Shell be ure BEST Friend and is very [humerous]! shes a [stunner] and truly beautiful!

    Melissa meaning & definition 13 of Melissa.

  • The funniest, happiest person youll ever meet. Always honest, shell tell the truth no matter what. Shes so [carefree] and beautiful. [Athleticism] and intelligence are bonuses to this girl... Well, school smart. She can be really clueless and clumsy, but thats one of the reasons people love her. Shes so innocent she somehow manages to stay out of drama almost all the time. Shes [independant]. Shes basically just an all round perfect girl.

    Melissa meaning & definition 14 of Melissa.

  • Magnificent girl! Shes beautiful in every way inside and out. Though she may have her flaws, her [good side] always shows. [A Melissa] is calm, very nice, funny, and an overall great friend. She will feel lucky to know you but you will be [the lucky one].

    Melissa meaning & definition 15 of Melissa.

  • Fierce, feminine and fearless. Melissa is the definition of [empowerment]. Can destroy you with advanced [linguistic] skill. She walks tall and takes no [prisoners].

    Melissa meaning & definition 16 of Melissa.

  • The greatest girl to walk [to face] of the planet.
    She cares for everyone. Shes beautiful and her hugs are amazing because shes so warm. Shes that [rare breed] of friend. The kind that doesnt mind catching a cold to just keep you from getting one. Because she puts others before herself, everyone loves her.

    Shell make you melt; [figuratively] and literally.

    Melissa meaning & definition 17 of Melissa.

  • A really cool girl who is absolutely [beautiful inside and out]. She is strong, smart, and isnt all girly. She has so many friends, and she is kind, funny,

    forgiving, and hard to stay in a fight with. She loves life and she is a [dare devil] and is always up for trying new things. Any guy would be so lucky to have her. She isnt scared of many things, and will do almost everything she wants to try. [Melissas] are lots of the time blonde.

    Melissa meaning & definition 18 of Melissa.

  • A hottie who is fun loving, quirkey and has a warped sense of humor.

    [A Melissa] is a flirt, with a sexy [come hither] smile and [bedroom eyes].

    She appreciates people for their individuality and uniqueness.

    Is highly respectful of others, but in return expects the same.

    She will not hide from problems but meets them head on.

    Melissa meaning & definition 19 of Melissa.

  • @Sarah hai

    Melissa meaning & definition 20 of Melissa.

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