• Any one of several species of carnivorous animals inhabitingAfrica and Asia, related to the dog and wolf. They are cowardly,nocturnal, and gregarious. They feed largely on carrion, and arenoted for their piercing and dismal howling.

    Jackal meaning & definition 1 of Jackal.

  • An unathletic, Freeloading valueless student at the University of Chicago, distinguished by their pretentiousness, self-entitlement, and general air of douchebaggery.
    A slightly migratory species, jackals inhabit the library during finals week, the dining hall during feeding times, and hibernate in their dorms in between. Unlike their territorial namesake, jackals are completely oblivious of others. They create large messes and romp about at all hours of the night, showing utter disregard towards athletes and people with worthwhile goals.

    Jackal meaning & definition 2 of Jackal.

  • Unsavory people who won't hesitate to rob or kill you for your [paper]. Usually come out at night.

    Jackal meaning & definition 3 of Jackal.

  • A dievious or mishchievous person; someone who wishes ill-fate upon another.

    Jackal meaning & definition 4 of Jackal.

  • a wild animal like a dog that lives in Africa and southern Asia and eats animals that have died or been killed by others

    Jackal meaning & definition 5 of Jackal.

  • A slender long-legged wild dog that feeds on carrion, game, and fruit and often hunts cooperatively, found in Africa and southern Asia.

    Jackal meaning & definition 6 of Jackal.

  • [Jackals] belong to the family [Canidae], along with dogs and are very similar to [coyotes]. Jackals are omnivores and scavengers. They are adapted to hunting small prey such as small mammals, birds and reptiles.

    Jackal meaning & definition 7 of Jackal.

  • An older woman that is [too old] to be a Cougar but still has a [Cougars] [sex drive].

    Jackal meaning & definition 8 of Jackal.

  • Those [frikin] annoying arse [naked bird] things from Halo that look like the monster under your bed when you were a kid. They have [plasma] shields and little plasma handguns, some of them have sniper rifles and are the literal worst.

    Jackal meaning & definition 9 of Jackal.

  • When you masturbate, and ejaculate into a glass of [ginger ale], then proceed to give someone [the ginger] [ale] to drink.

    Jackal meaning & definition 10 of Jackal.

  • Noun - highly evolved male, capable of maintaining the attention of several young (naive) women at any one time, whilst drinking the worst cheap vodka imported from Kazagstan, and exchanging hiiiigh fiiiives with fellow [jackals].
    verb - To [jackal], to seduce numerous young females in any one evening, giving them all the impression you are the one.
    Also see Fresh and [Blapse],
    Song - For hes a jolly good jackaaal!

    • Jack[aaal] jackal!
    • Im jackal till i die...

    Jackal meaning & definition 11 of Jackal.

  • A person who is able to find things when no one else is able to find them. A [scavenger] in the [truest] sense of the word that usually attacks in pairs. This came from the tradition that the [jackal] will sometimes lead a lion to its prey.

    Oppositely, the term can also be used in a negative connotation to describe someone who relentlessly asks you for something that is in your possession and takes it without offering anything in return.

    Jackal meaning & definition 12 of Jackal.

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