• Strongly Agree, as if it were law.

    Church meaning & definition 1 of Church.

  • A building used for public Christian worship.

    Church meaning & definition 2 of Church.

  • a service conducted in a house of worship

    Church meaning & definition 3 of Church.

  • one of the groups of Christians who have their own beliefs and forms of worship

    Church meaning & definition 4 of Church.

  • perform a special church rite or service for

    Church meaning & definition 5 of Church.

  • A Christian religious organization, local or general.

    Church meaning & definition 6 of Church.

  • Religious service held at a church.

    Church meaning & definition 7 of Church.

  • To conduct a religious service for (a woman) after childbirth.

    Church meaning & definition 8 of Church.

  • To educate someone religiously, as in in a church.

    Church meaning & definition 9 of Church.

  • The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints: used with preceding the.

    Church meaning & definition 10 of Church.

  • a Jewish or heathen temple

    Church meaning & definition 11 of Church.

  • a formally organized body of Christian believers worshiping together

    Church meaning & definition 12 of Church.

  • a body of Christian believers, holding the same creed, observing the same rites, and acknowledging the same ecclesiastical authority; a denomination; as, the Roman Catholic church; the Presbyterian church

    Church meaning & definition 13 of Church.

  • to bless according to a prescribed form, or to unite with in publicly returning thanks in church, as after deliverance from the dangers of childbirth; as, the churching of women

    Church meaning & definition 14 of Church.

  • church, n. a house set apart for Christian worship: the whole body of Christians: the clergy: any particular sect or denomination of Christians: any body professing a common creed, not necessarily Christian.—v.t. to perform with any one the giving of thanks in church, more esp. of a woman after childbirth, or of a newly-married couple on first appearing at church after marriage.—ns. Church′-ale, a strong ale brewed for a church festival: the festival at which the ale was drunk; Church′-bench (Shak.), a seat in the porch of a church; Church′-court, a court for deciding ecclesiastical causes, a presbytery, synod, or general assembly; Church′-gō′ing, the act of going to church, esp. habitually; Church′ing, the first appearance of a woman in church after childbirth; Church′ism, adherence to the forms or principles of some church.—adj. Church′less, not belonging to a church: (Tennyson) without church approval.—ns. Church′man, a clergyman or ecclesiastic: a member or upholder of the established church; Church′-rate, an assessment for the sustentation of the fabric, c., of the parish church; Church′-serv′ice, the form of religious service followed in a church, order of public worship, a book containing such; Church′-text, a thin and tall form of black-letter print; Churchwar′den, an officer who represents the interests of a parish or church: a long clay-pipe; Church′way, the public way or road that leads to the church; Church′woman, a female member of the Anglican Church.—adj. Church′y, obtrusively devoted to the church.—n. Church′yard, the burial-ground round a church.—Church history, the description of the course of development through which the church as a whole, as well as its special departments and various institutions, has passed, from the time of its foundation down to our own day; Church militant, the church on earth in its struggle against evil; Church triumphant, the portion of the church which has overcome and left this world.—Visible and Invisible church (see Visible). [A.S. circe (Scot, kirk; Ger. kirche)—Gr. kyriakon, belonging to the Lord—Kyrios, the Lord.]

    Church meaning & definition 15 of Church.

  • The part of the ship arranged on Sunday for divine service.

    Church meaning & definition 16 of Church.

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