• something that is strange/not normal but cool

    Quirky meaning & definition 1 of Quirky.

  • different...in a good way...

    Quirky meaning & definition 2 of Quirky.

  • Unconventional, surprising, odd.

    A word often used by narcissistic [scenester]s when they describe their oh-so-unique selves in their [Livejournal] user info pages in attempts to sound like interesting people.

    It is a word best used by one person to describe another. Those who apply quirky to themselves thereby call into question their very own quirkiness by seeming gleefully self-aware (just like everyone else).

    Quirky meaning & definition 3 of Quirky.

  • Is weird in a good way, sometimes describing a person with an excellent talent for mind-reading and has psychic abilities. A person that is quirky also has a way with words and spends a lot of time articulating thoughts and emotions whether in a car or writing in a journal. Quirky characteristics can also be a sign for the ability to put forth many amazing smiles from people. Quirky people can also be charcaterized as people who play, LOTRO and enjoy it. Quirky people may also have an uncanny obsession with Recess peanut butter cups and peanut butter chocolate icecream. All in all, quirky people are amazing, and great friends with excellent personalities that can bring anyones mood up.

    Quirky meaning & definition 4 of Quirky.

  • abnormally cool cause of their wonderful persona

    Quirky meaning & definition 5 of Quirky.

  • (synonyms - quirky englishman, quirkster, quirkbine harvester)
    Having a peculiar character. Standing our from the crowd for the sake of it.
    Eg Always eating burgers upside down.
    Playing the piano whilst everyone else is socialising.
    Doing a rubix cube. (3X3? oh no? too mainstream... 4X4, if there was such thing as a 2 X 4 X 3.5, would probably do that)
    Having a toy dog that you always scratch in the same place.
    Occasionally sporting the one eyebrow look.
    Buying stationary 50 at a time.
    Buying the Breakfast at tiffanies sandwich.

    Quirky meaning & definition 6 of Quirky.

  • Its a word the girls try to use to show their individualism. Wearing thick rimmed glasses with no lenses, granny clothes and socks with toes etcetc. If you call yourself quirky you should refer yourself to the article titled [tool], because that is what you are. The true quirky people are generally the ones who graduated from an arts university campus, have some deep seated mental minor ocd/adhd about something, and are generally, not skanky [whores] trying to pull with their quirky-fucking-ness.

    Quirky meaning & definition 7 of Quirky.

  • Used to define someone who was different but in a good/cool way. But it is now used as an insult to describe someone who is in desperate need of attention to the point they intentionally do abnormal things. Such as scene kids and hipsters.

    Quirky meaning & definition 8 of Quirky.

  • wierd; apart in your own way

    Quirky meaning & definition 9 of Quirky.

  • Characterized by peculiar or unexpected traits.

    Quirky meaning & definition 10 of Quirky.

  • what [basic bitches] [call] themselves

    Quirky meaning & definition 11 of Quirky.

  • Someone who thinks they’re [doing something] [special] and DiFfErEnT but [in reality] they are just annoying

    Quirky meaning & definition 12 of Quirky.

  • Somebody who think they are [cool and eDgY] (typically Americans) but they hide there accent because it makes then dIfferEnT. they are known to be using these terms: [Im not like other girls], and iM sO unIQuE! rIghT?! These types of people most likely use Tumblr, and write [fanfics] on wattpad.

    Quirky meaning & definition 13 of Quirky.

  • Girl who dresses like Emma Chamberlain and desperately wants to be a youtuber. Can be seen wearing [Doc Martens], scrunchies, and [long sleeve] striped shirts. Most likely will be drinking iced coffee and always have [carmex].

    Quirky meaning & definition 14 of Quirky.

  • a girl that thinks shes different but is actually [basic af] and is annoying as well. she wants attention and probably is an emma [chamberlin] [or whatever] stan.

    Quirky meaning & definition 15 of Quirky.

  • [Someone] [who is] considered [different].

    Quirky meaning & definition 16 of Quirky.

  • unusual in an attractive and interesting way:

    Quirky meaning & definition 17 of Quirky.

  • Quirky is an adjective that describes something unusual or eccentric. It can be used to describe a person who is unique or different from the norm. An example of a quirk in this context could be someone who likes to wear their underwear on the outside of a shirt. This behavior is not common and can be considered quirky. Another example could be a teenager who has an unusual hobby, like collecting antique dolls or making music with a guitar made out of sticks. These hobbies may seem strange to others, but they are still considered quirkily interesting to the individual.

    Quirky meaning & definition 18 of Quirky.

  • (informal) strikingly unconventional

    Quirky meaning & definition 19 of Quirky.

  • Quirky pertains to something or someone that is characterized by peculiar or unconventional traits, habits or behaviours. It implies oddness, eccentricity and unpredictability which attract amusement, delight or interest.

    Quirky meaning & definition 20 of Quirky.

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