• To [have sex], as [used] in [Animaniacs].

    Conjugate meaning & definition 1 of Conjugate.

  • Give the different forms of (a verb in an inflected language such as Latin) as they vary according to voice, mood, tense, number, and person.

    Conjugate meaning & definition 2 of Conjugate.

  • The hard part about [learning a new language]. Conjugating the verb is changing the end of the verb so it fits the tense (past or present?), number (singular or plural?), person (1st, 2nd, 3rd?), and many other fancy [grammatical] aspects (perfect, [imperfect]?) of the rest of the sentence.

    Conjugate meaning & definition 3 of Conjugate.

  • A word used to describe the action of drinking or [pouring] alcoholic [beverages]. Commonly used in [a tent] to hide the fact that there is liquor present.

    Conjugate meaning & definition 4 of Conjugate.

  • The unlearned [way] of [saying] [congregate].

    Conjugate meaning & definition 5 of Conjugate.

  • formed by the union of two compounds

    Conjugate meaning & definition 6 of Conjugate.

  • a mixture of two partially miscible liquids A and B produces two conjugate solutions: one of A in B and another of B in A

    Conjugate meaning & definition 7 of Conjugate.

  • joined together especially in a pair or pairs

    Conjugate meaning & definition 8 of Conjugate.

  • unite chemically so that the product is easily broken down into the original compounds

    Conjugate meaning & definition 9 of Conjugate.

  • undergo conjugation

    Conjugate meaning & definition 10 of Conjugate.

  • Any entity formed by joining two or more smaller entities together.

    Conjugate meaning & definition 11 of Conjugate.

  • More generally, any of a set of irrational or complex numbers that are zeros of the same polynomial with integral coefficients.

    Conjugate meaning & definition 12 of Conjugate.

  • An explementary angle.

    Conjugate meaning & definition 13 of Conjugate.

  • To inflect (a verb) for each person, in order, for one or more tenses.

    Conjugate meaning & definition 14 of Conjugate.

  • To reproduce sexually as do some bacteria and algae, by exchanging or transferring DNA.

    Conjugate meaning & definition 15 of Conjugate.

  • In mathematics, a conjugate typically refers to a pair of mathematical expressions or quantities that are connected by a specific mathematical operation yet have opposite components. The term conjugate can have different meanings depending on the domain of math:

    1. In complex numbers, the conjugate of a complex number is the number with an equal real part and an imaginary part equal in magnitude but opposite in sign.

    2. In algebra, the conjugate of a binomial expression (a b) is its corresponding binomial formed by negating the second term (a - b) or vice versa.

    3. In abstract algebra, conjugate elements in a group are elements related through a similarity transformation.

    4. In geometry, conjugate diameters of an ellipse or hyperbola are any two diameters such that a tangent line to the curve at the endpoint of one diameter is parallel to the other diameter, and vice versa.

    The broader meaning for conjugate includes the idea of forming a complementary or related pair in a particular mathematical situation.

    Conjugate meaning & definition 16 of Conjugate.

  • united in pairs; yoked together; coupled

    Conjugate meaning & definition 17 of Conjugate.

  • in single pairs; coupled

    Conjugate meaning & definition 18 of Conjugate.

  • containing two or more radicals supposed to act the part of a single one

    Conjugate meaning & definition 19 of Conjugate.

  • agreeing in derivation and radical signification; -- said of words

    Conjugate meaning & definition 20 of Conjugate.

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